Ontological Politics in a Disposable World. A round-table discussion<span id="edit_19470"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_19470').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=19470" ); });</script></span>


Ontological Politics in a Disposable World. A round-table discussion

April 4, 2018, 17h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

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«A força dos pequenos»: absences and art for resistance<span id="edit_18862"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_18862').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=18862" ); });</script></span>


«A força dos pequenos»: absences and art for resistance

Carmina Bascarán

Marina Fasanello

Patrícia Simón

January 10, 2018, 14h30

Room 1, CES | Alta

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<em>Toxic Bios</em>. A guerrilla narrative project mapping contamination, illness and resistance for emancipatory storytelling<span id="edit_18690"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_18690').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=18690" ); });</script></span>


Toxic Bios. A guerrilla narrative project mapping contamination, illness and resistance for emancipatory storytelling

December 20, 2017, 14h30

Room 2, CES | Alta

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«Voices of Transition» by Nils Aguilar<span id="edit_17506"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17506').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17506" ); });</script></span>

Film session

«Voices of Transition» by Nils Aguilar

December 16, 2017, 15h00

Casa da Esquina (Coimbra)

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«Consuming kids: The Commercialization of Childhood» by Adriana Barbaro and Jeremy Earp<span id="edit_17502"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17502').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17502" ); });</script></span>

Film session

«Consuming kids: The Commercialization of Childhood» by Adriana Barbaro and Jeremy Earp

November 16, 2017, 18h00

Hortim (Associação Coimbra em Transição; Jardim da Sereia) [Coimbra]

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«Project Wild Thing» by David Bond and Ashley Jones<span id="edit_17504"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17504').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17504" ); });</script></span>

Film session

«Project Wild Thing» by David Bond and Ashley Jones

November 4, 2017, 18h00

Casa da Cultura de Coimbra (TBC)

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«Portugal, um retrato ambiental - episódio 4: "paisagem e desordenamento"» by Luísa Schmidt and Francisco Manso<span id="edit_17500"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17500').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17500" ); });</script></span>

Film session

«Portugal, um retrato ambiental - episódio 4: "paisagem e desordenamento"» by Luísa Schmidt and Francisco Manso

September 28, 2017, 17h00

Auditorium, Coimbra Education School

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Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era

September 28, 2017, 10h30


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«Portugal, um retrato ambiental - episódio 3: "águas"» by Luísa Schmidt and Francisco Manso<span id="edit_17498"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17498').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17498" ); });</script></span>

Film session

«Portugal, um retrato ambiental - episódio 3: "águas"» by Luísa Schmidt and Francisco Manso

August 25, 2017, 19h30

Museu da Água (Parque Dr. Manuel Braga) [Coimbra]

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«Portugal, um retrato ambiental - episódio 1: "país de contrastes"» by Luísa Schmidt and Francisco Manso<span id="edit_17493"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17493').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17493" ); });</script></span>

Film session

«Portugal, um retrato ambiental - episódio 1: "país de contrastes"» by Luísa Schmidt and Francisco Manso

June 22, 2017, 21h30

Casa de Chá (outdoors) [Coimbra]

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«L’Oro Vero» by Daniele De Stefano, Giuseppe Orlandini and Roberto De Filippis<span id="edit_17023"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_17023').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=17023" ); });</script></span>

Sessão cinematográfica

«L’Oro Vero» by Daniele De Stefano, Giuseppe Orlandini and Roberto De Filippis

May 25, 2017, 15h00

Casa das Artes Bissaya Barreto (Coimbra)

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Can we hear what the river whispers? Water, human rights and indigenous knowledges: ontological conflicts

Lieselotte Viaene (CES)

March 21, 2017, 11h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra

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Health in the Context of the Sustainable Development Reservation of Mamirauá 

Marcílio Sandro de Medeiros (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz)

January 19, 2017, 17h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra

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Prospective Environmental Injustice. The struggle to stop goldmining in Romania and Bulgaria<span id="edit_13102"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_13102').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=13102" ); });</script></span>

ENTITLE | Reading Group

Prospective Environmental Injustice. The struggle to stop goldmining in Romania and Bulgaria

Irina Velicu (CES)

June 15, 2016, 10h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

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XVII Exchange Market for Children and Youngsters in Coimbra<span id="edit_14054"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_14054').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=14054" ); });</script></span>


XVII Exchange Market for Children and Youngsters in Coimbra

June 4, 2016, 10h00

Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra

ENTITLE | Reading Group

Lampedusa (un)disciplined

Gaia Giuliani (CES)

April 19, 2016, 16h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

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In search of a land with lesser evils: the Watu, environmental crime and the web of life

Ailton Krenak (Militante indígena dos direitos humanos)

March 16, 2016, 17h30

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

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Carbon Trading After COP 21: Market Analysis, Policy Perspectives and the Role of Climate Justice Movements<span id="edit_13098"><script>$(function() { $('#edit_13098').load( "/myces/user/editobj.php?tipo=evento&id=13098" ); });</script></span>

ENTITLE Intensive workshop

Carbon Trading After COP 21: Market Analysis, Policy Perspectives and the Role of Climate Justice Movements


Emanuele Leonardi

Giorgio Casula

Kenfack Chrislain-Eric

Ricardo Coelho

March 10, 2016, 14h30

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

Seminar | Public Forum

"Different ways of saying no": Mining conflicts

February 2, 2016, 10h30-18h30

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

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ENTITLE Workshop

Post-extractivisms, degrowths and alternatives of existences: prospects of ecological resistances

Joan Martinez-Alier

Stefania Barca

December 16, 2015, 16h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

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