Faced with today’s crisis, what would Gandhi do?

CES (com)vida 2020

Faced with today’s crisis, what would Gandhi do?

Abhay Bang

The Lancet

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Pandemic Research for the People


Pandemic Research for the People

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How will Covid-19 change our cities?

CES (com)vida 2020

How will Covid-19 change our cities?

Shiny Varghese

The Indian Express

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Labour, Nature, Capitalism and COVID-19


Labour, Nature, Capitalism and COVID-19

Anna Sturman

Natasha Heenan

Journal of Australian Political Economy

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Radiotherapy in the era of COVID-19


Radiotherapy in the era of COVID-19

Journal Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy

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The Virus and Fear: How Will We Deal with These Two Pandemics?

CES (com)vida 2020

The Virus and Fear: How Will We Deal with These Two Pandemics?

Marta Abatepaulo de Faria

Medical Anthropology at UCL

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How the Coronavirus Will Reshape Architecture: What kinds of space are we willing to live and work in now?

CES (com)vida 2020

How the Coronavirus Will Reshape Architecture: What kinds of space are we willing to live and work in now?

Kyle Chayka

The New Yorker

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Historicising “containment and delay”: COVID-19, the NHS and high-risk patients


Historicising “containment and delay”: COVID-19, the NHS and high-risk patients

Martin Moore

Wellcome Open Research

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COVID 19 -When history has no lessons 

CES (com)vida 2020

COVID 19 -When history has no lessons 

Gaëtan Thomas

Guillaume Lachenal

History Workshop

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White Coats for Black Lives 

CES (com)vida 2020

White Coats for Black Lives 

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Refashioning race: DNA and the politics of health care


Refashioning race: DNA and the politics of health care

Anne Fausto-Sterling

differences | A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies

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Trabalho e Desigualdades no Grande Confinamento II: desemprego,<em> layoff</em> e adaptação ao teletrabalho

CES (com)vida 2020

Trabalho e Desigualdades no Grande Confinamento II: desemprego, layoff e adaptação ao teletrabalho

CoLabor | Laboratório Colaborativo para o Trabalho, Emprego e Proteção Social

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African nations call for racism debate at UN Human Rights Council

CES (com)vida 2020

African nations call for racism debate at UN Human Rights Council

Deutsche Welle

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«Le mouvement anti-raciste vise à élaborer une nouvelle utopie politique»

Conversas com o mundo

«Le mouvement anti-raciste vise à élaborer une nouvelle utopie politique»

Nadia Yala Kisukidi

France Culture

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Exodus Constitutionalism: Mass Migration in COVID Lockdown Times


Exodus Constitutionalism: Mass Migration in COVID Lockdown Times

Upendra Baxi

The India Forum

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Compreender as lógicas do racismo na Europa contemporânea


Compreender as lógicas do racismo na Europa contemporânea

Projeto TOLERACE | As semânticas da tolerância e do (anti)racismo: organismos públicos e sociedade civil, uma perspectiva comparada

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La Economía Solidaria, la pandemia y la provisión en el cotidiano

CES (com)vida 2020

La Economía Solidaria, la pandemia y la provisión en el cotidiano

Luciane Lucas dos Santos

RedPES | Rede Portuguesa de Economia Solidária

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«El virus es un pedagogo que nos intenta decir algo, el problema es saber si vamos a escucharlo»

CES (com)vida 2020

«El virus es un pedagogo que nos intenta decir algo, el problema es saber si vamos a escucharlo»

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


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Creative and cultural work without filters: Covid-19 and exposed precarity in the creative economy


Creative and cultural work without filters: Covid-19 and exposed precarity in the creative economy

Lauren England

Roberta Comunian

Journal Cultural Trends

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How the Covid story must be retold: The virus seems to be both a literary and scientific disaster which we need to re-read and invent in the years to come

CES (com)vida 2020

How the Covid story must be retold: The virus seems to be both a literary and scientific disaster which we need to re-read and invent in the years to come

Shiv Visvanathan


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