A memory of concrete: politics of representation and silence in the Agostinho Neto Memorial

Estudos CES

A memory of concrete: politics of representation and silence in the Agostinho Neto Memorial

Miguel Cardina

Vasco Martins


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Uma exposição no Rijksmuseum para “mostrar” a escravatura

BLM pelo mundo

Uma exposição no Rijksmuseum para “mostrar” a escravatura


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Pós-colonialismo e pós-Holocausto: o "caso" Mbembe

Intervenções Públicas CES

Pós-colonialismo e pós-Holocausto: o "caso" Mbembe

António Sousa Ribeiro

Newsletter MEMOIRS

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Direito, estado e sociedade: uma análise da legislação de combate ao racismo em Portugal

Estudos CES

Direito, estado e sociedade: uma análise da legislação de combate ao racismo em Portugal

Ana Rita Alves

Inês Oliveira

Sara Fernandes

Silvia Rodríguez Maeso

Caderno de apresentação de resultados do projeto COMBAT-CES

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Banking and slavery: Switzerland examines its colonial conscience

BLM pelo mundo

Banking and slavery: Switzerland examines its colonial conscience

Noele Illien

The Guardian

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Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso?

Intervenções Públicas CES

Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso?

Margarida Calafate Ribeiro

Newsletter MEMOIRS

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Spectacles of violence: passivity and agency in photographs of the Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter movements

Estudos CES

Spectacles of violence: passivity and agency in photographs of the Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter movements

Maria José Canelo

Everything is a Story: Creative Interactions in Anglo-American Studies

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As estátuas do nosso descontentamento

Intervenções Públicas CES

As estátuas do nosso descontentamento

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


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European Museums Have Long Been Reluctant to Restitute African Heritage Objects. Changes in 2021 May Force Their Hands

BLM pelo mundo

European Museums Have Long Been Reluctant to Restitute African Heritage Objects. Changes in 2021 May Force Their Hands

Naomi Rea


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Programa Voxpop | «Colonisation: l'amnésie européenne?»

Intervenções Públicas CES

Programa Voxpop | «Colonisation: l'amnésie européenne?»

Bruno Sena Martins

Canal Arte

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Kenyan Statues Must Fall

BLM pelo mundo

Kenyan Statues Must Fall

Brian Njoroge

The Elephant

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Monsters, Catastrophe and the Anthropocene. A Postcolonial Critique

Estudos CES

Monsters, Catastrophe and the Anthropocene. A Postcolonial Critique

Gaia Giuliani


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Passados por explorar, futuros por reclamar

Intervenções Públicas CES

Passados por explorar, futuros por reclamar

Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo


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When statues fall. Paul B. Preciado's Year in Review

BLM pelo mundo

When statues fall. Paul B. Preciado's Year in Review

Paul B. Preciado


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How Black Lives Matter exposed old wounds in South African cricket

BLM pelo mundo

How Black Lives Matter exposed old wounds in South African cricket

André Odendaal

Peter Hain

The Guardian

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Black Excellence Talks

Intervenções Públicas CES

Black Excellence Talks

Silvia Rodríguez Maeso

RTP África

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Framing Sexual Violence in Portuguese Colonialism: On Some Practices of Contemporary Cultural Representation and Remembrance

Estudos CES

Framing Sexual Violence in Portuguese Colonialism: On Some Practices of Contemporary Cultural Representation and Remembrance

Júlia Garraio

Violence Against Women

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Artistas pintam frase 'Vidas Pretas Importam' na avenida Paulista, em SP

BLM pelo mundo

Artistas pintam frase 'Vidas Pretas Importam' na avenida Paulista, em SP


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A Praça Lumumba em Bruxelas: um lugar de memória controverso

Intervenções Públicas CES

A Praça Lumumba em Bruxelas: um lugar de memória controverso

Felipe Cammaert

MEMOIRS Newsletter #9

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Pour une <em>Colon(ial)oscopie</em> généralisée. Retour au Congo belge à partir d’un spectacle politique  

Estudos CES

Pour une Colon(ial)oscopie généralisée. Retour au Congo belge à partir d’un spectacle politique  

Fabrice Schurmans

Revue nordique des Études francophones

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