Artigo em Revista Científica

Fonseca, Gabriela; de Sousa, Bruno; Crespo, Carla; Relvas, Ana Paula (2023), "Economic strain and quality of life among families with emerging adult children: The contributions of family rituals and family problem‐solving communication", Family Process, 63, 3, 1319-1335


Artigo em Revista Científica

Fonseca, Gabriela; Lourenço, Daniela; Francisco, Rita; Crespo, Carla; Relvas, Ana Paula (2023), "Families Navigating Macroeconomic Hard Times: The Experiences of Portuguese Emerging Adults and Their Parents in the Aftermath of the Great Recession", Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33, 1, 314-326

Artigo em Revista Científica

Jorge, Helena; Duarte, Isabel C.; Melo, Miguel; Relvas, Ana Paula; Castelo-Branco, Miguel (2023), "Trust-based health decision-making recruits the neural interoceptive saliency network which relates to temporal trajectories of Hemoglobin A1C in Diabetes Type 1", Brain Imaging and Behavior, 18, 1, 171-183


Gonçalves, Jorge; Sousa, Joana Vaz; D'ALisa, Giacomo (2023), Minga: An integral cooperative promoting circularities, European Commission Horizon 2020: JUST2CE - A Just Transition to Circular Economy

Artigo em Atas de Evento

Erridge, Marcus (2023), "Citizen Science and the Human Right Sanitation"

Outras Publicações

(), "",

Artigo em Revista Científica

Nieto-Romero, Marta; García-López, Gustavo; Swagemakers, Paul; Bock, Bettina (2023), "Becoming a Care-Tizen: Contributing to Democracy Through Forest Commoning", International Journal of the Commons, 17, 1, 271-287

Artigo em Revista Científica

Torres-Abreu, Alejandro; García-López, Gustavo; Concepcion, Carmen (2023), "De la protesta a la propuesta: Articulations between Environmental Justice Movements and Community-Based Management of Protected Areas in Puerto Rico", CENTRO Journal, 35, 1, 23-55

Capítulo em Livro

Bustos, Beatriz; Engel-Di-Mauro, Salvatore; García-López, Gustavo; Milanez, Felipe; Ojeda, Diana (2023), Suturing the open veins of Latin America, building epistemic bridges: Latin American environmentalism for the 21st century, in Beatriz Bustos, Salvatore Engel-Di-Mauro, Gustavo Garcia-Lopez, Felipe Milanez, & Diana Ojeda (org.), Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment. London: Routledge, 3-8

Capítulo em Livro

Uchôa, Raphael (2023), Imperial melancholy and the subversion of ruins in the Amazon, in Alison Bashford; Emily M. Kern; Adam Bobbette (org.), New Earth Histories: Geo-Cosmologies and the Making of the Modern World. Chicago University Press

Número Temático

Uchôa, Raphael; Müller-Wille, Staffan; Mercer, Harriet (2023), "Science and Its Others: Histories of Ethnoscience" número temático em "History of Anthropology Review", 48

Outras Publicações

Noronha, Susana de (2023), "Susana de Noronha", in Wasterlain, Sofia (Ed.) 30 Anos, 30 Antropólogos , Coimbra: IUC, 73-74

Outras Publicações

Riquito, Mariana (2023), "Novos Contos das Montanhas Barrosãs: usurpações, intimidações e resistências", Jornal MAPA , 40, 15-17

Artigo em Atas de Evento

Rapchan, Eliane Sebeika; Carniel, Fagner (2023), "Os segredos que as águas escondem: Cartografias antropológicas do mar" in ABA - Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (org.)

Working Paper

Rapchan, Eliane Sebeika (2023), "Simian Narratives about Shared Worlds: Relationships between Humans and other Primates in Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts", Oficina do CES, 463

Artigo em Revista Científica

Carniel, Fagner; Rapchan, Eliane Sebeika (2023), "Think with the virus. Anthropology in pandemic times", Anthropologia integra, 14, 2, 35-41

Artigo em Revista Científica

Melo, Ana Teixeira de (2023), "Dissolving psychology: Psychology of Inter/Trans disciplinarity and an Interdisciplinary identity", International Journal of Psychology, 58: 32nd International Congress of Psychology, 18-23 July 2021 Prague, Czech Republic, S1, 1007

Artigo em Revista Científica

Melo, Ana Teixeira de (2023), "From Love-Force and families as a complex system towards an integrative approach to the complexity [abstract]", International Journal of Psychology, 58: 32nd International Congress of Psychology, 18-23 July 2021 Prague, Czech Republic (Virtual), S1, 1008

Outras Publicações

Teixeira de Melo, Ana; Renault de Barros, Letícia Maria (2023), "Mapping the complexity of case conceptualisations underlying assessments and interventions with multichallenged families with at-risk children",", Abstract Book.QRMH9 Qualitative Research in Mental Health Conference , 48


Melo, Ana Teixeira de; Gomes, Conceição; Abreu, Pedro (2023), GRUPO DE TRABALHO SOBRE DIGITALIZAÇÃO NO CES, Coimbra: CES, 21