Capítulo em Livro
Boon, Laetitia; Forgione, Mariapiera; Acri, Marco; Nunes, Nathalie; Duxbury, Nancy (2024), Culture as a result of NBS co-creation (Section 4.3 in "Culture for inclusive urban regeneration"), in B. Caitana, I. Ferreira, and N. Nunes (org.), Urban Inclusive and Innovative Nature. Fundaments and Practices for the Co-creation of Nature-based Cities. Milan: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 33-43
Capítulo em Livro
Acri, Marco; Nunes, Nathalie; Duxbury, Nancy; Forgione, Mariapiera; Eddine, Ribal Aman (2024), Culture at the heart of sustainable urban development (Section 4.1 in "Culture for inclusive urban regeneration"), in B. Caitana, I. Ferreira, and N. Nunes (org.), Urban Inclusive and Innovative Nature. Fundaments and Practices for the Co-creation of Nature-based Cities. Milan: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 7-17
Capítulo em Livro
Nunes, Nathalie; Duxbury, Nancy; Boon, Laetitia; Acri, Marco; Forgione, Mariapiera; Martins, Sofia; Leonor, Susana; Mateus, Américo; Eddine, Ribal Aman (2024), Culture in the co-creation of NBS (Section 4.2 in "Culture for inclusive urban regeneration"), in B. Caitana, I. Ferreira, and N. Nunes (org.), Urban Inclusive and Innovative Nature. Fundaments and Practices for the Co-creation of Nature-based Cities. Milan: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 18-32
Pinto, Hugo; Duxbury, Nancy; Viana, Luiz; Di Nunzio, Paola (2024), IN SITU Concept Guide v. 2.0. Deliverable D7.2, IN SITU project, Coimbra: IN SITU project, 178
Capítulo em Livro
Secchi, Michelangelo; Tomassoni, Franco; Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), Local Best Practices: Urban Governance and the Ongoing Platformization Process, in Sandro Mezzadra, Niccoló Cuppini, Mattia Frapporti, Maurilio Pirone (org.), Capitalism in the Platform Age Emerging Assemblages of Labour and Welfare in Urban Spaces. Springer, 305-331
Capítulo em Livro
Sousa Santos, Eliana (2024), Escola Primária Quinta do Cedro: Escola Jardim, in Fundação Marques da Silva (org.), Fernando Távora. Pensamento Livre. Porto: Fundação Marques da Silva
Capítulo em Livro
Sequeiros, Paula (2024), Bibliodiversidade com democracia: políticas ABM, in Zeny Duarte, José Carlos Sales dos Santos, Salim Silva Souza (org.), Diálogos interdisciplinares: perspectivas integradoras de unidades de informação, documentação e cultura. Fortaleza; Porto: EditoraCI; FLUP/CITCEM, 307-320
Capítulo em Livro
Nunes, Nathalie; Hilding-Hamann, Knud Erik; Ferreira, Isabel (2024), Co-creation of nature-based solutions, in Wilken, Jean Pierre, Parpan-Blaser, Anne, Prosser, Sarah, van der Pas, Suzan and Jansen, Erik (org.), Social Work and Social Innovation: Emerging Trends and Challenges for Practice, Policy and Education in Europe. Policy Press
Working Paper
Allegretti, Giovanni; Lopes Alves, Mariana; Sandri, Sinara; Francescutto, Sofia (2024), "Voting on Complex issues: an ally for environmental participation", Policy Brief n. 2 - PHOENIX Project, 2
Carvalho, Cláudia Pato de (2024), Roadmap for cultural policy action (D.4.6), on-line: The UNCHARTED project received funding under the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union
Working Paper
Sousa Santos, Eliana (2024), "Colectivos de Arquitetas Portuguesas", Colecção Arquitetas Portuguesas
Outras Publicações
Sousa Santos, Eliana (2024), "Escola Primária da Quinta do Cedro", Fernando Távora: Pensamento Livre , 72-87