COORDINATION: José Manuel Mendes, Neide Areia, José Luís Zêzere (UL) and Teresa Fidélis (UA)
Risk Sciences, as a subject area, have gained an increasing visibility and institutionalization in the last years, mostly within international organizations, as UNESCO and the Council of Europe. The Doctoral Programme “Territory, Risk and Public Policies” is an advanced training programme aiming at the development of high scientific research skills and professional qualification within the framework of risk sciences. This programme was conceived to an audience with academic education, yet diversified, covering the social sciences and the natural and exact sciences and technologies, allowing an integrated perspective, and the quantification of capacity of resilience and resistance of the communities and individuals, based on the joint consideration of different uncertainties and in the selection of relevant variants for the assessment and perception of risk within human communities.
The doctoral programme in “Territory, Risk and Public Policies” is an inter-university partner programme offered by the Centre for Social Studies (CES) and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (III) of the University of Coimbra, by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) and the Centre for Geographical Studies (CEG) of the University of Lisbon and by the University of Aveiro.
The doctoral Programme in “Territory, Risk and Public Policies” began in 2010/2011 and was accredited by Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES) in 2020 for a 6-year term. The Programme is offered annually, on a rotative basis, by each of the involved universities, being each university therefore responsible for a new edition, every three years.
To provide a solid scientific training in the various fields related to the issue of risk, both in the processes modelling, in the land management and in the mobilization of individuals and communities, as well as in the design and implementation of public policies. This programme seeks to define the grounds and instruments supporting the risk management policies, including, in addition to the structural measures and emergency systems, social vulnerability reduction measures and regulatory instruments, considering the national legal and strategic framework, as well as the community directives and the strategies and regulations of International Organizations. This programme runs for a 4-year period.
Being welcomed by CES in the doctoral programme TRPP, enabled my investigation to acquire greater knowledge that expanded perceptions and the formulation of questions about the context of Amazonian territories in the global scenario, in connection with the active collaboration and excellence of the teaching staff.
Cristina Silva, all but dissertation (Brazil)
"I was a research fellow at CES and it was this excellent experience that made me return and continue my training here. Once again I found in my PhD an atmosphere of encouragement to critique, creativity, personal evolution and teamwork, with the solidity and seriousness of teaching that I have always valued."
Sara Filipa Ferreira Portovedo, PhD (Portugal)