
Intersectional Perspectives in Dance

July 1, 2024, 15h00-17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta + Streaming online

Interventions: Rafaela Francisco de Jesus (Federal University of Goiás, Visiting Doctoral Student at CES), Gaia Giuliani (CES Researcher) and Josy Brasil (Artist) | Moderator: Marta Araújo (CES)

The aim is to share the project “Transatlantic Poetics: Becomings between black performance and inclusive dance”, by visiting doctoral student at CES, Rafaela Francisco. The panel will address central concepts of the research, with a focus on Inclusive Dance and Black Performance as mechanisms for empowering black women with and without disabilities. Experiences with the Transatlantic Poetics workshops will also be shared.

The activity will include translation into LIBRAS - Brazilian Sign Language and streaming online HERE