
Relations between humans and other primates: How to compose experiences in research, teaching, and conservation in the face of subversions and reproductions of coloniality?

Eliane Sebeika Rapchan (CES)

September 26, 2024, 14h30

Online event

Humans have shared the so-called “global goods” (water, atmosphere, forest and biodiversity) with other primates since at least the emergence of the genus Homo. Despite the importance of the commonly named non-human primates in science, most audiences are unaware of the value of the relationships between humans and other primates, nor do they understand the importance of the cosmovision of local communities in tackling the environmental crisis. Recently published global multidisciplinary studies indicate a high concentration of primate species and populations in the Neotropical, Afrotropical and Indo-Malaysian regions, where the central role of Indigenous peoples, their languages, cultures, and knowledge on the reproduction of healthier and more sustainable ecosystems, as well as for the future of primates, is emphasised. Despite all the diversity, these regions also share the consequences of their colonial histories manifested in both scientific production and environmental destruction.

This seminar aims to share some of the results of a post-doctoral research, focusing on anthropological narratives. The aim is to contribute to the production of reflections on the likelihoods of researchers involved in topics such as the environment, primate socio-ecology and relations between humans and non-human primates, to ally themselves, in the face of the climate crisis we are experiencing, towards developing common research questions, as enunciated by sociologist Verónica Policarpo, and how such experiences and their results could be aligned with the teaching of environmental sciences.

Moderator: Vinicius Souza Magalhães Leite (IOC-FIOCRUZ-RJ) | Comments: Joana Vaz Sousa (CES)


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