
Gender-based violence, media and feminisms

October 7, 2024, 11h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

Bio notes

Carla Cerqueira holds a PhD in Communication Sciences - specialising in Communication Psychology - from the University of Minho (2012) with a post-doctoral degree in the same area at the University of Minho, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Erasmus University Rotterdam (from 2013 to 2018). She is currently an Associate Professor at Lusófona University, director of the PhD in Communication and Activisms and a researcher at CICANT - Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies. Her research interests include gender, feminisms, intersectionality, NGOs, activism, digital citizenship and media. She is part of several national and international research projects; she is the principal investigator of the project FEMglocal - Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021). She coordinates the Research and Policy Committee of GAMAG - Global Alliance on Media and Gender. She is on the board of APEM - Portuguese Association for Women's Studies and is a member of ECREA's Ethics Committee.

Inês Amaral is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, where she teaches the BA and MA programmes in Journalism and Communication and the PhD programme in Communication Sciences. She has a PhD in Communication Sciences (specialising in Interactive Media) from the University of Minho and is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and a collaborating researcher at the Centre for Communication and Society Studies. Amaral has researched sociability in digital social networks, participation and social media, gender and media, media and digital literacy, technologies and active ageing, audiences and media consumption in the digital age. She PI of the project MyGender - Mediated young adults practices: advancing gender justice in and across mobile apps (PTDC/COM-CSS/5947/2020) and Co-PI of the project MediaTrust.Lab - Local Media Lab for Civic Trust and Literacy (PTDC/COM-JOR/3866/2020). She is also a member of the Observatório and Observatório do Ciberjornalismo teams.

Karen Boyle is Professor of Feminist Media Studies at Strathclyde. Her research has long focused on questions of violence, gender and representation. She has recently co-edited (with Susan Berridge) the Routledge Companion on Gender, Media, Violence (2023). Earlier publications include Media and Violence: Gendering the Debate (Sage 2005), #MeToo, Weinstein and Feminism (Palgrave, 2019) and, as editor, Everyday Pornography (Routledge 2010). She has additional research interests in media audiences, gender and news, and the women's movement in Scotland. She was Scottish coordinator for the Global Media Monitoring Project  (2015, 2020) and, in 2018, she led a Royal Society of Edinburgh-funded Workshop series on Tackling Gendered Inequalities in Scottish News, which led to the foundation of Gender Equal Media Scotland, a grouping of academics, journalists and activists working towards gender equality in Scottish media.

Júlia Garraio is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies. She co-coordinates the working groups Policredos - Religions and Society and GPS - The Research Group on Sexualities. She is a fellow (CEEC) of the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) with the project Dis/entangling Rape: Sexual Violence in Portuguese literature and cinema in the 21st century (2023-2028). She is Co-PI of the FCT project UnCoveR - Sexual Violence in Portuguese Mediascape (2023-2025). She integrated the Historical Research Group of the Independent Commission for the Study of Child Sexual Abuse in the Portuguese Catholic Church (2022-23). She is a co-founding member of the international research group SVAC-Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict and is on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Women's Studies, where she is co-chair for the reviews section.

Maria João Faustino holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Auckland, where she carried out research into the heteronormalisation of anal sex in a heterosexual context and its coercive dynamics. She has done research on sexual violence, gendered dynamics and media representations. She has developed the theme of sexual consent, from a critical perspective, in scientific publications (e.g. Violence Against Women; Feminism and Psychology) and in the media. She has collaborated with feminist organisations and those supporting victims and survivors of sexual violence. She has collaborated on projects on sexual violence based on images (VSBI) and violence in intimacy. She is a representative of the Portuguese She is a representative of the Portuguese Platform for Women's Rights in the European Women's Lobby. She is a researcher of the project UnCover -  Sexual Violence in the Portuguese Mediascape.

Rita Santos is a junior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies. She has worked on research projects in the fields of Feminism, International Relations and Security Studies; violence, gender and small arms; the Women, Peace and Security agenda; otherness and media and political representations of migrants, refugees and people of African descent; and gender equality and development co-operation. She has also participated in and/or coordinated studies and training for think tanks and inter/national NGOs such as AKTO (Portugal), NOREF (Norway), SWEFOR (Sweden), the Portuguese Platform of NGDOs, Promundo-USA (now Equimundo) and has carried out evaluation work and support for the drafting of public policies for Instituto Promundo (Brazil) and Instituto Camões.

Sílvia Roque is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Évora and researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. Roque holds a PhD in International Relations from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (2014).  Since 2005, she has worked on research projects in the field of International Relations, particularly in the area of Peace Studies and International Politics and Feminism. She has collaborated with civil society organisations and international organisations in carrying out studies, training and cooperation aimed at understanding and reducing various expressions of violence.