Between experiences and crossings produced with the Conexão G Group for LGBT Citizenship in Favelas
Luísa Vanessa Carneiro (PUC-Rio / FAPERJ)
January 22, 2025, 15h00 (GMT)
Online event
This workshop aims to present the Conexão G Group for LGBT Citizenship in Favelas and its dialogue with the CAPES-DAAD project Spheres of Citizenship: Rights, Borders, Agencies. Spheres of Citizenship is a research project that conceptually and empirically articulates three spheres of the political-normative spatiality of citizenship. It is therefore a space for (re)building and strengthening social, political and institutional links with collectives from favelas and peripheries in Rio de Janeiro, with the aim of monitoring the construction of alternative citizenships, agency and citizen resistances, as well as the production of subjectivation and empowerment practices of historically invisibilised political subjects.
The Conexão G Group is a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) currently located in the Complexo de Favelas da Maré, in Nova Holanda, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which provides assistance to LGBT+ people living in favela territories. In this way, the research proposal, through a line of connection built with the Conexão G subjects, is close to the Observatory of LGBTI+ Violences in Favelas, a qualitative and quantitative research project that aims to map data on violences and rights violations. Thus, this work aims to accompany the protagonism of the subject of social injustice, through the Observatory of LGBTI+ Violence in Favelas, and to understand how it is reconstituted in the relationship between violence and resistance in the processes experienced in existential territories.
Moderator: Ana Lúcia Santos (CES)
Bio note
Luísa Vanessa Carneiro is a PhD student in Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), with a scholarship from the Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation (FAPERJ).
Member of the Diversity and Inclusion Council of the Law Department of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Researcher on the research project Critical Theory of Law, under the CAPES/DAAD programme: Spheres of Citizenship in Rio de Janeiro and Berlin: Rights, Frontiers, Agencies (PUC-Rio/CNPq). Researcher at G-pense! - Research Group on Contemporaneity, Subjectivities and New Epistemologies (UPE/CNPq). She received financial support from the Red de Académicas/os Latinoamericanas/os del Derecho, through the Programme Fondo de Apoyos a la movilidad de investigadorxs del Nordeste do Brasil (RedAlas), and also received a doctoral scholarship from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro for her internship at the Law Department's Diversity and Inclusion Coordination Office (PUC-Rio). Masters in Law - Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP). Postgraduate in Human Rights: Education and Resocialisation - Cândido Mendes University (UCAM). Bachelor of Laws from the Ipojuca Valley University Centre (UNIFAVIP). Assistant Editor of the journal Direito, Estado e Sociedade at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).
Activity within the scope of the Grupo de Pesquisa em Sexualidades | GPS-CES
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