
CES to join four new European projects in 2025

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As of 2025, the Centre for Social Studies (CES) will be part of four new European projects in partnership with various national and international entities.

Within the research area of social studies of science, with a focus on the social uses of new technologies, CES is taking part in the study 6G-Versus - 6G Vertical trials for Sustainability, with a CES team coordinated by researchers Neide Areia and Rita Campos. Based on a consortium of 33 organisations, led by the University of Oulu (Finland), the main objective of the 6G-Versus project is to explore the frontiers of 6G technology through meticulous tests and case studies in several European countries, including Portugal, designed to effectively address and evaluate the challenges of environmentally responsible next-generation vertical industries and thus demonstrate the profound potential impact of this technology to bolster a more sustainable and prosperous society.

Under the research group (Semi)peripheral Capitalism: Crises and Alternatives, the projects PROTEST - Protest as a Democracy Test: Protest Culture under Transformation and as a Transformative Power and EMCCINNO - EMpowering CCIs to boost systemic INNOvation for sustainable climate transition focus on aspects of economic democracy and social innovation. Coordinated by Lund University (Sweden), the PROTEST project includes a CES team led by Maria Raquel Freire, with researchers Sofia José Santos and Inês Amaral. This project has the dual aim of revealing whether and how the ongoing processes of “de/democratisation” and the patterns of protest culture affect each other in the 9 countries involved in the study. For its part, the EMCCINNO project is coordinated by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS - France), with a CES team led by Sílvia Ferreira, with Gonçalo Canto Moniz and Patrícia Moura e Sá. The project aims to cross the fields of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI), climate transition and social entrepreneurship to refine, test, validate and measure prototypes of sustainable economic models applied to real cases of CCI.

Additionally, Tatiana Moura will be the CES principal researcher for the Carers for a day project, coordinated by the Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE), with the aim of preventing and counteracting gender-based segregation in professional choices, particularly in the care sectors, challenging the idea that these are professional areas dominated by women, by promoting an approach that defies gender stereotypes that perpetuate the traditional division of labour.

The four projects were approved under open calls funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe and Citizenship, Equality, Rights, Values (CERV) programmes, totalling over 800 thousand euros of funding for CES.