
Health with Art: social sonorities

July 24, 2024, 10h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

This academic meeting is presented as an action by the “Health with Art: Social Sonorities and Interculturalities” Research Group (UFRJ), based on the Health with Art platform, created at CES in 2014 during the post-doctoral studies of Professor Raquel Siqueira. This initiative has been carrying out various actions for a decade, including events and workshops. During the pandemic, 12 virtual roundtables were held on the theme “Health with Art in the Challenge of the Pandemic”, in collaboration with CES. This new meeting continues to present the research and reflections derived from the importance of the arts and artistic expressions in the emancipation processes of collectives in situations of social vulnerability.

10h00-12h30 - Health with Art Panel
Participants: Raquel Siqueira (UFRJ), João Arriscado Nunes (CES) and Virgínia Gomes (Machado de Castro Museum)

14h30-17h30 - Social Sonorities Workshop - Dialogued Exhibition and Experiments
Trainer: Raquel Siqueira (UFRJ)

Bio Notes
João Arriscado Nunes
is a permanent researcher at the Centre for Social Studies. He is a retired Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. His research interests centre on Epistemologies of the South, science and technology studies (particularly biomedical research, life sciences and public health, the relationship between science and other modes of knowledge), political sociology (democracy, citizenship and public participation, particularly in areas such as the environment and health), human rights and social and cultural theory.

Raquel Siqueira is a Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Institute of Psychiatry-IPUB), Music Therapy course. Post-doctorate in Public Health at CES-UC Sciences without Borders (2013-2014). PhD in Psychology at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) with sandwich programme at CES (2011). Master's in Psychology at UFF. Specialisation in Music Therapy at the Brazilian Conservatory of Music - University Centre (CBM-CEU). Undergraduate degree in Psychology from UGF-RJ. Experience in care, management and research in the area of Collective Health/Public Health for 30 years. Psychologist, Music Therapist and leader of the “Health with Art: social sonorities and interculturalities” Research Group.

Virgínia Gomes is the Curator of the painting, drawing and engraving collections at the Machado de Castro National Museum in Coimbra.

Organisers: João Arriscado Nunes (CES); Raquel Siqueira (UFRJ); Virgínia Gomes (MNMC)