
Care in social inequality: interdisciplinarity and the production of knowledge in vulnerable territories

Carlos Roberto de Castro-Silva (UNIFESP-BS)

February 17, 2025, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

From the perspective of an expanded view of health, based on ethics of care, the seminar proposes to build ways of tackling the consequences of social inequality through research practises that value intersubjective and collective experiences in the production of new forms of sociability, promotion of citizenship and rights. This seminar addresses the potential and challenges of participant research in territories marked by violence, increasing poverty, and other social problems caused by the Covid-19 syndemic.

Moderator: Mauro Serapioni (CES)

Bio note

Carlos Roberto de Castro-Silva: Post-doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. PhD in Social Psychology from the University of São Paulo. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Health and Society Institute, Baixada Santista Campus, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP-BS). He is an advisor on the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme in Health Sciences. He coordinates the research group: Laboratory for Studies on Social Inequality (LeDs). He has been working at the intersection of critical social psychology and public health, especially in primary health care, feminist care ethics, social movements, psychosocial processes of social participation and qualitative methodology in health.