Talk + Debate | Sharp talks

Methodological relationships between language and the materialities of health and sexuality 

Danillo Silva

Monise Martinez

February 13, 2025, 17h00 (GMT)

Online event

Sexuality and health are terms that can refer to the physical and physiological materiality of the body. However, since the works of Michel Foucault, we have come to recognise a dimension of governmentality that constitutes discursive conditions for the emergence of the subject and its materialities. Sexuality and health are politically organised through discourses and social practises not necessarily limited to biomedicine, such as those constituting well-being, identity, gender, race, etc. Current studies on language and discourse offer methodological paths for analysing sexuality in inter- and transdisciplinary ways. This SHARP Talks session focuses on this discursive dimension of health and sexuality, bringing methodological clues and examples of analysis with varied approaches from performativity, sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis, and representations, and pointing out their inter/transdisciplinary contributions to research committed to social problems.

Bio notes

Danillo Silva is a professor of Applied Linguistics and Portuguese Language at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Alagoas (IFAL), Brazil. He has a PhD and a Master's degree in Linguistic Studies from the Federal University of Sergipe. Silva completed a doctoral research internship at the Interdisciplinary Programme of Applied Linguistics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PIPGLA/UFRJ) in 2021. He was a visiting researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (CES/UC), Portugal, 2021-2022. He is a specialist in Gender and Human Rights Education from the Postgraduate Programme in Interdisciplinary Studies on Women, Gender and Feminism at the Federal University of Bahia (PPGNEIM/UFBA). He is one of the current directors of the Association of Applied Linguistics of Brazil (ALAB), (Management 2023-2025). He is Associate Editor of the journal Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp/Scielo). He leads Nexus Lab - Research Laboratory in Applied Linguistics and Society (IFAL/CNPq), from which he has conducted research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in the field of applied linguistics and discourse studies, investigating the intersections between language practises, gender, race, and sexuality, among other social markers of difference implicated in political platforms for human rights and social justice in Latin America and other territories of the Global South.

Monise Martinez has a PhD in Feminist Studies and is a collaborating researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, with experience as a teacher of textual production, editor, proofreader and content producer for teaching materials. As a researcher, she is interested in topics such as media, politics and religion, with a focus on studies of mediatisation, post-feminism and anti-feminism in Brazil. Martinez is a member of the Policredos: Religions and Society working group at CES and the REMAR: Religião como marcador social group at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She has collaborated with more than eighteen publishers in the Brazilian publishing market as a fiction and social science book reviewer and a content editor on collections for the National Textbook Programme (PNLD). In the cultural field, Monise Martinez uses literature as a privileged means of raising awareness of feminist, anti-racist, and anti-colonial issues, having co-organised soirees, literary occupations and independent book projects in Coimbra between 2016 and 2022. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks, Fogo de Santelmo (Urutau, 2021) and Bosque dos constituintes (Mormaço, 2024), and has published texts and poems in collections.


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