Scientific Events

Presentations in scientific events

Rubio, Edwin (2024), "The dilemmas of the native. Interlegality processes in the conquest of the new world. A decolonial narrative of global legal history", paper presented at 18th International Conference from the series "From the History of Law" Law and law-making factors in Europe (XVI-XIX) - Iustitia est constans et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuendi', 12 to 13 September.

Rubio, Edwin (2018), "El viaje del último elefante rojo en América Latina Reinserción de la guerrilla colombiana al movimiento social", paper presented at Reinventing The Social: Movements and Narratives of Resistance, Dissension, and Reconciliation in the Americas, Coimbra-Portugal, 22 to 24 March.

Rubio, Edwin (2015), "El caso del pueblo Wayuu de la Guajira y sus estragegias de lucha contra el CERREJÓN. pueblo wayuu de la Guajira. Contexto y estrategias de lucha contra el Cerrejón", paper presented at IX Encuentro de la Red Latinoamericana de Antropología Jurídica (RELAJU), Pirenopolis (Brasil), 28 September 02 October.