Emília Biato


Emília is an Associate Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), faculty member, and researcher in the Professional Master's Program in Education, the Graduate Program in Dentistry, and the Department of Dentistry. She holds a degree in Dentistry from the Fluminense Federal University (1999), a Master's in Education from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (2003), and a Ph.D. in Education from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (2015). Currently, she is pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Social Studies at University of Coimbra, Portugal. Emília coordinates the Study Group on Education and Service-Community Integration (GEFIESCO/UnB) and participates in the "Escrileituras da Diferença" Research Group (UFRGS) and the "Language and Thought" Research Group (UnB). With a background in Public Health, her research focuses on the Human and Social Sciences in Health, guided by the philosophy of difference, addressing topics such as health education, didactics, writing, qualitative research in health and education, and the concept of health-illness.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Biato, Emília (2024), "DE INSPIRAÇÕES E RESSONÂNCIAS: práticas de pensamento e produção textual num processo de ensino-aprendizado", Revista DisSol - Discurso, Sociedade e Linguagem, 21, 9, 121

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Article in Scientific journal

Biato, Emília; Netto, José Donato de Sousa; Carmo, Carolina Barbosa Carvalho do; Portugal, Sílvia (2024), "TRADUÇÕES DO CONCEITO DE SAÚDE NOS PROCESSOS DE CUIDADO: PERSPECTIVAS DE PESSOAS COM CÂNCER", Revista Signos, 45, 2

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Book Chapter

de Souza, Edilene Teixeira; Biato, Emília Carvalho Leitão (2024), Diagnóstico de TDAH: será mesmo que o que não tem remédio, remediado está?, in Marcelo Chaves (org.), Perspectivas e estudos emergentes em ciências da Saúde. Editora Licuri, 42-51

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