
Current research interests

Gender studies, migration studies, agro-ecology, rural studies, political ecology, feminism

Research Projects

2024-04-01 - 2026-12-31 - "CILANTRO-Cooking al-Andalus: food, gender and social dynamics during the first Andalusian period (700-1000)", coordinated by Marcos García García, sponsored by ERDF Andalusia Operational Plan. Period 2021-2027.

2021-01-07 - 2023-03-06 - "Agenciamientos políticos, interculturalismos y (anti) racismos en Andalucía (APIARA)", coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer , sponsored by Financed by the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and Universities, Junta Andalucía.

2020-01-06 - 2023-03-06 - "Cambiando los paradigmas: prácticas y discursos de las economías transformadoras en un contexto de urgencia ecosocial", coordinated by Jesús Sanz Abad (UCM) and Sara Sama Acedo, sponsored by Financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency within the framework of the State Program for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientiic and Technological Strengthening of theI+D+I System and the State Program for I+D+I Oriented to Challenges of Society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research for Innovation 2017-2020.