Tiago Vinagre de Castro


Tiago Castro is a cultural manager, urbanist and researcher. He holds a degree in Tourism Management and Planning and a master in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Aveiro and a specialization in Management and Production of Shows from the University Lusófona of Porto. In the past 20 years, he has been working mainly in the cultural sector as producer, manager, creator and trainer within national and international projects. In 2012, he cofounds the NGO 4iS - Inovação Social where he develops urban transformation projects through culture and participation, cultural networks, participatory processes and collaborative and cocreation practices. He is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES-UC) where he integrated the research team of the project «CREATOUR - Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas» (2016-2020)and was consultant of the project «CREATOUR Azores - Turning the Azores into a Creative Tourism Destination» (2019-2022). Currently, he's on a doctoral scholarship in Sociology - Cities and Urban Cultures with the research project «INTERMEDIA - Cultural intermediaries in urban regeneration in small cities» and is executive coordinator of the CREATOUR Observatory - Culture and Tourism for Local Development (CES-UC).

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Duxbury, Nancy; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago (2022), Creative Tourism: Nurturing Creative Self-expression and Social Interactivity, in Dora Agapito, Manuel Alector Ribeiro e Kyle Maurice Woosnam (org.), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, 331-349

Book Chapter

Bakas, Fiona; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Osredkar, Ana (2021), User-centered design for Creative Tourism Prototyping: The Maribor experience, in N. Duxbury, S. Albino, and C. Carvalho (org.), Creative Tourism: Cultural Resources, Entrepreneurship, and Engaging Creative Travellers. London: CABI