Ana Drago
Ana Drago is a researcher in Observatory on Crisis and Alternatives - CES. In 2001, she obtained a graduation in Sociology at University of Coimbra, with a final monography on the anti-tuition student's movement, that was latter published as a book in 2004. In 2020, she completed her PhD in Urban Studies at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa/FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a dissertation "A country becoming urban and democratic: the urban question in the first decade of the Portuguese democracy". Within this work, she discussed how different political actors and the new democratic institutions politicized and/or depoliticized inequality and lack of urban planning that featured the metropolitanization process around Lisbon, in the decade that stretches from 1974's revolutionary coup to Portugal entry into EEC in 1986. She has published several articles on edited volumes and scientific journals on politicization and the urban, housing policies and the broad impacts of the financialization of the city after the 2008's financial crisis. She was a member of parliament from 2002 to 2013 and is currently a member of the Portuguese Economic and Social Counsil Plenary.
Latest Publications
Article in Scientific journal
Drago, Ana (2025), "As ciências sociais e os 3D's da cidade pós-abril: Desigualdade, Desordenamento e a Democracia", Análise Social
Book Chapter
Drago, Ana (2025), Utopia e apropriação da cidade - movimento de moradores e a revolução do cravos em Portugal 1974-76, in Gianfranco Ferraro e José Eduardo Franco (org.), Historia Global das Utopias - Utopias urbanas. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Globais - Universidade Aber
Book Chapter
Drago, Ana (2025), O tempo da política dos arquitetos: ascensão e queda da arquitetura na fabricação da democracia portuguesa, in Jorge Figueira e Nuno Grande (org.), What Democracy - The rise of Portuguese Architecture