Fernando Fontes
Fernando Fontes - Sociologist - holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Policy, specialization in Disability Studies, University of Leeds, UK (2011) and an MA in Sociology and Social Policy, University of Coimbra, Portugal (2006). He is Auxiliary Researcher at the Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra. He has been a Guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra within the scope of the Master's Program since the academic year 2023-2024 and a Guest Professor in the CES-IIIUC Doctoral Program: "Human Rights in Contemporary Societies" (CES/IIIUC) since academic year 2013-2014. He is currently Vice-President of CES Scientific Board (2021-2024). He was awarded an Assistant Researcher Contract (Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support (CEECIND) - 3rd Edition) (Ref. 2020.01127.CEECIND). He has led and has been involved in the development of several research in the areas of: Protection of the Fundamental Rights of Persons with Disabilities living in institutions (2024); The right to political participation of people with disabilities in the context of the 2024 European Parliament elections (2023-2024); Assessment of the Regional Strategy to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (2022-2023); fundamental rights of disabled people in Portugal (2019 - 2022); fundamental rights situation of long-term residents in the EU (2021); Independent living for disabled people (2016 - 2021); social inclusion of people with spinal cord injury (2010 - 2013); sexual and reproductive citizenship of disabled women in Portugal (2012 - 2014) He has, also, been involved in the development of the applied research projects: "Study on Ways of Integrating Horizontal Principles in the Implementation of PESSOAS 2030" (2024); "Evaluation of the Regional Strategy to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Autonomous Region of the Azores" (2022-2023); "SUPERA - Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia" (2018 - 2022) (funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 787829). He has authored and co-authored several publications in the areas of Sociology, Social Policies and Interdisciplinary Studies, on issues of disability policies, violence and disablism, inclusion and citizenship rights of disable people in Portugal, disability research, social movements, sexuality and intimate citizenship of disabled people in Portugal. Most recent publications include: "Rights for all? Living conditions and (de)citizenship of adults with intellectual and complex disabilities in Portugal", Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (2023); "Disabling experiences and inclusive school: reframing the debate in Portugal", Journal of Education Policy (2023); "Disabled People and the Intersectional Nature of Social Inclusion", Social Inclusion (2023); "As Possibilidades Mediadoras da Arte: Um Estudo de Caso Sobre Experiência Artística e Participação Teatral de Pessoas com Deficiência Visual", Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais (2023); "Vida Independente para Pessoas com Deficiência: do individualismo à autodeterminação", CONTEMPORANEA-REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGIA DA UFSCAR (2021); "Disability narratives in Portugal: impacts and possibilities for the lives of disabled people" (book chapter, 2019); A deficiência em Portugal: lugares, corpos e lutas. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (Edited book, 2023); Mulheres, Sexualidade, Deficiência: os interditos da cidadania íntima. Almedina (Edited book, 2019); "Framing Disability in Portugal: Historical Processes and Hegemonic Narratives" (book chapter, 2019); "O movimento de pessoas com deficiência em Portugal: características, impactos e interseccionalidades" (book chapter, 2019); "Spinal Cord Injury in Portugal: Institutional and Personal Challenges", Journal of Disability Policy Studies (2017).
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Fontes, Fernando; Carvalho, Cláudia; Margarido, Susete (2024), Da arte da deficiência ao direito à prática cultural: a experiência artística e teatral de pessoas com deficiência visual no Teatrão, in Isabel Craveiro (org.), A meu ver : apontamentos para olhar o futuro. Coimbra: Teatrão, 14-30
Book Chapter
Carvalho, Cláudia; Fontes, Fernando; Margarido, Susete (2024), Resultado e impactos da Implementação do projeto A Meu Ver, in Isabel Craveiro (org.), A meu ver : apontamentos para olhar o futuro. Coimbra: Teatrão, 31-40
Article in Scientific journal
Buettgen, Alexis; Fontes, Fernando; Eriksson, Susan (2023), "Disabled People and the Intersectional Nature of Social Inclusion", Social Inclusion, 11, 4, 287-290
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