University degrees, diplomas and academic public assessments
2013 - Posdoc, The memory of suffering: representations of violence in contemporary German literature about the Second World War, Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra
2003 - PhD in German Literature, The construction of the image of the poet in the work of Günter Eich, University of Coimbra
1997 - MA in German and Comparative Literature, The myth of Camões in the radio play 'Die Brandung vor Setúbal' by Günter Eich, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
1992 - BA in Modern Languages and Literatures (English and German Studies) , Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra
Field of specialisation
Gender Studies
Literature and Culture
Media Studies
Memory Studies
Sexual Violence
Other fields
German Studies
Portuguese Studies
Religion and Society