Academic and professional activities

2024-03-15 - Book Review Editor, Journal of Intercultural Studies.

2023-09-15 to 2023-12-15 - University of Münster Visiting Fellowship: Project Title 'Sensible' Blackness. Early Black Abolitionists' Engagement with the Affective Politics of 19th Century Race Science(s). Host Institution: English Department, University of Münster. Supervisor: Silvia Schultermandl.

2023 - Member, German Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS).

2022-05-20 to 2024-03-20 - Associate Editor, Journal of Intercultural Studies.

2019 - Visiting Research Fellow. Project Title: A Genealogy of Anti-Racism: Cultural Anthropology, Race Displacement and Knowledge Transliteration. Host Institution: Centre for Social Studies (CES) The University of Coimbra. Supervisor: Gaia Giuliani.

2018-02-01 to 2018-07-01 - Endeavour Research Fellow. Project Title: Natives, Settlers, and Migrants: a Historical Study of Social Relations in Australia. Host Institutions: Griffith University, Wollongong University, and Swinburne University of Technology.

2017 to 2019 - Editor, Australia Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Associatio (ACRAWSA)Blog.

2015 to 2018 - International Vice Director, Huallywood Film Research Center, Department of Media and Communication, Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University

2013 to 2020 - Member, The European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA)

2012 to 2014 - Research Assistant, ARC Grant 'More than Family History: Race, Gender and the Aboriginal Family in Australian History', Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney. Investigator: Victoria Grieves.

2011 to 2020 - Member, Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association (ACRAWSA)

2011 to 2014 - Member,Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA)

2009 to 2014 - Member of the Australian Women and Gender Studies Association (AWGSA)

2009 to 2010 - Research Assistant, SEED Research Grant 'Migrants' Histories of Hope', Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of The Sunshine Coast. Investigator: Francesco Ricatti.

2009 - Volunteer Researcher, Submission to the Department of Premier and Cabinet Office for Women's Policy of the New South Wales Government's Discussion Paper: NSW Domestic and Family Violence Strategic Framework. Investigator: Jackie Jarrett, Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Corporation.

2008 to 2009 - Research Assistant, University of Sydney/Research & Development Grant: 'Linguistic practices of new migrants from Italy: Same old story or a new chapter?'. Investigator: Antonia Rubino.

Other Activities

2024-02 - Co-convener, Settler Colonial Studies Reading Group.

2023-09 - Co-convener, The Circle: Critical Race New Research Seminar Series, on Zoom

2023-09 - Member, American Studies Research Colloquium

2023-04-15 - Co-convener, Trans* Reading Group.

2022 to 2023 - Member, Organising and Scientific Committee 'Migration(s) and Global Crises Seminar Series, Inter-Thematic Group on Migration (ITM)

2020 to 2020 - Member, Organising and Scientific Committee '2020 Migrating Rights | Keywords Series, Inter-Thematic Group on Migration (ITM) and (De)Othering Project, Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra.

2020 - Participant of the COST Working Group Decolonize Development Knowledge.

2019 - Member of the steering committed of the Inter-Thematic Group on Migrations (ITM)

2018 - Peer reviewer, Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Journal of Intercultural Studies, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Third World Quarterly, Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, Women's Studies. An Inter-disciplinary Journal,