Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Member of the Organizing Committee of Kerouac 100 - jornada evocativa, Faculdade de Letras, Univ. de Coimbra, 28 to 28 October by 2022 (com Capinha, Graça ; Araújo, Susana; Canelo, Maria José; Silvestre, Osvaldo).
Member of the Organizing Committee of 42nd Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, "Environments: Ecologiesand(In)Hospitalities", Faculdade de Letras, Univ. de Coimbra, 31 March to 02 April 2022 (com Canelo, Maria José; Keating, Clara; Capinha, Graça; Jorge, Pinho; Manuel, Portela; Susana, Araújo).
Member of the Organizing Committee of 1ªs Jornadas de Didádica de Inglês "The Art of Teaching ELF-Sharing Best Practices)", Faculdade de Letras, universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 November to 30 December 2019 (com Simões, Celeste ; Luís, Ana; Canelo, Maria José; Tavares, Teresa ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of New Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Sharing Teaching Materials and Approaches, Faculdade de Letras, universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 11 to 11 July by 2019 (com Luís, Ana; Canelo, Maria José; Tavares, Teresa ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of 5º Encontro da Associação Internacional de Estudos Inter-Americanos (IAS, "Reinventing the Social: Movements and Narratives of Resistance, Dissension, and Reconciliation in the Americas",, Faculdade de Letras, universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 22 to 24 March by 2018 (com Caldeira, Isabel; Canelo, Maria José; Rodriguéz Maeso, Sílvia; Lechner, Elsa; Araújo, Susana; Cholant, Gonçalo; Costa, Inês; Santos, Rita; Dorronsoro, Begona).
Member of the Organizing Committee of "New Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Interculturality and CLIL", FLUC, Coimbra, 27 to 27 May by 2017 (com Luís, Ana; Tavares, Teresa; Canelo, Maria José).
Member of the Organizing Committee of 2º Simpósio da Associação Internacional de Estudos de Discurso (EdiSo), "Discursos e Sociedades em Movimento", Coimbra, 18 to 20 June by 2015 (com Canelo, Maria José; Keating, Clara; Garraio, Júlia ; Marques, Isabelle; Solovova, Olga; Matos, Ana Raquel; Nolasco, Carlos).
Organization of 2º Encontro Internacional de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Ingleses e Estudos Americanos da FLUC, Coimbra, FLUC, 02 to 03 May by 2014.
Member of the Organizing Committee of 1º Colóquio Internacional de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Americanos e Estudos Ingleses da FLUC,"Discourses That Matter: Contemporary Approaches to English and American Studies", , Fac. de Letras, Coimbra, 22 to 23 November by 2012 (com Canelo, Maria José; Soares, Marta; Pinto, Cláudia ; Mancelos, Marta ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of XXXII Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, Coimbra, 12 to 14 May by 2011 (com Tavares, Teresa ; Donas-Botto, Isabel; Canelo, Maria José).
Member of the Organizing Committee of VII Encontro Internacional de Poetas, Coimbra, 27 to 30 May by 2010 (com Ramalho, Maria Irene; Bebiano, Adriana; Capinha, Graça ; Pedro, Isabel; Caldeira, Isabel ; Moreira, João Paulo; Canelo, Maria José).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Colóquio Internacional "America Where? Transatlantic Scholarship in Search of the United States of America", , Faculdade de Letras, Univ. de Coimbra, 12 to 13 June by 2009 (com Caldeira, Maria Isabel; Ramalho, Maria Irene; Canelo, Maria José).
Member of the Organizing Committee of VI Encontro Internacional de Poetas, Coimbra, 24 to 29 May by 2007 (com Ramalho, Maria Irene; Bebiano, Adriana; Capinha, Graça; Moreira, João Paulo; Pedro, Isabel; Caldeira, Isabel; Canelo, Maria José).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Memória, Violência e Identidade: Novas Perspectivas Comparadas sobre o Modernismo, Coimbra, 03 to 04 June by 2005 (com Ramalho, Maria Irene; Sousa Ribeiro, António; Martins, Catarina; Canelo, Maria José).
Member of the Organizing Committee of VIII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro, Coimbra, 17 to 19 September by 2004 (com Estanque, Elísio; Costa, Hermes; Ferreira, Sílvia; Canelo, Maria José; Ferreira, António Casimiro; Bebiano, Rui).
Member of the Organizing Committee of V Encontro Internacional de Poetas, Coimbra, 27 to 30 May by 2004 (com Ramalho, Maria Irene; Bebiano, Adriana; Capinha, Graça; Moreira, João Paulo; Pedro, Isabel ; Caldeira, Isabel; Canelo, Maria José).
Presentations in scientific events
Canelo, Maria José (2024), ""Law, Literature, and Power in the American Studies Classroom"", paper presented at Simpósio "Facing the Dream: On the 60th Anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act", Univeridade do Porto (CETAPS), 22 to 22 November.
Canelo, Maria José (2024), "Changing the Terms and Forms of Belonging: How Undocumented Immigrants' Life Writings are Resignifying the Notion of Citizenship", paper presented at 44º Encontro Internacional da APEAA, Transitions: Freedom and Conflicts, , Universidade de Lisboa, 25 to 26 June.
Canelo, Maria José (2024), "Undocumentedness, Citizenship, and Belonging", paper presented at 35º Congresso Internacional da European Association for American Studies, Amerikahaus, Univ de Munique, Alemanha, 03 to 06 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2023), ""Frederick Douglass and photography: visualizing the Black American Self" ", paper presented at 43º Encontro da APEAA, "Cultures of the Self"., Universidade Católica de Lisboa, 01 to 03 June.
Canelo, Maria José (2023), ""Narratives of undocumentedness and the notion of affective belonging"", paper presented at Conferência da Associação Nórdica de Estudos Americanos, "Crises and Turns: Continuities and Discontinuities in American Culture"., Universidade de Uppsala, Súecia, 25 to 27 May.
Canelo, Maria José (2022), ""Affective landscapes of belonging in self-representations by undocumented migrants in the US", ", paper presented at Crossroads of Cultural Studies, 13º Encontro bienal da Associação Internacional de Estudos Culturais, Lisboa, 17 to 19 November.
Canelo, Maria José (2022), ""Between Word and Image: Miné Okubo's Internment Testimony". ", paper presented at Colóquio de Estudos Culturais, 'Visual Storytelling: From the Mural to the Digital', Universidade de Aveiro, 30 June 01 July.
Canelo, Maria José (2021), ""Undocumented immigrants' autobiographical texts as acts of citizenship"", paper presented at Sixth Biennal Conference of the Inter-American Studies Association (IAS), "Walls, Bridges, and Borders in the Americas", Laredo, Texas, EUA (online), 11 to 13 November.
Canelo, Maria José (2021), " "Notas para discutir os estudos de cultura visual", apresentada no âmbito do Grupo de Trabalho 56 "Objetos e histórias no espaço visual: instrumentos de análise para uma cidadania visual e cultural"", paper presented at XIV Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro , Coimbra, 17 to 19 September.
Canelo, Maria José (2021), " "Issues of visuality and power: undocumented migrants in the US intimate public sphere"", paper presented at 33º Encontro da European Association for American Studies (EAAS), "20/20 vision: Citizenship, Space, Renewal", Universidade de Varsóvia [online], 30 April 02 May.
Canelo, Maria José (2018), ""Reading visual representations of the Black Lives Matter movement"", paper presented at Dikes of Courage: Martin Luther King, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Aesthetics of Protest, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 23 to 24 November.
Canelo, Maria José (2018), ""Can the Undocumented Speak? Undocumented Immigrants and Self-representation"", paper presented at Seminário da Associação de Estudos Americanos de Salzburgo (SSASA) 16 - Understanding America in the 21st Century: Culture and Politics, Salzburgo, Áustria, 21 to 25 September.
Canelo, Maria José (2018), "Protest and Race: Passivity and Agency in Photographs of the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Lives Matter", paper presented at 39º Encontro Internacional da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, Universidade de Évora, Portugal, 26 to 28 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2017), ""Paul Beatty's The Sellout and the nightmare of carceral politics in the US", ", paper presented at 38º Encontro Internacional da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, Braga, Portugal, 20 to 22 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2016), ""Culture and the law: immigrants, rights and difference in Carey McWilliams's critique"", paper presented at Fourth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies, "Human Rights in the Americas", Universidade de Santa Barbara, Califórnia, EUA, 04 to 06 October.
Canelo, Maria José (2016), ""Every picture tells a story: pictures and coursebooks"", paper presented at I Colóquio em Didática e Ensino da FLUC, Faculdade de Letras da UC, Coimbra, 16 to 16 May.
Canelo, Maria José (2016), ""Randolph Bourne's 'Trans-national America': between pluralist and exceptionalist cosmopolitanism"", paper presented at 37º Encontro Internacional da APEAA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 13 to 15 March.
Canelo, Maria José (2015), ""Barbara Kruger's collages and the production of disobedient consumers. ", paper presented at Discursos e Sociedades em Movimento, Coimbra, 17 to 20 June.
Canelo, Maria José (2014), ""The Disloyal Pacifist, the Complacent Intellectual, and the War State in Randolph Bourne's Critique"", paper presented at "Cem Anos Depois: A Primeira Guerra Mundial - Olhares Contemporâneos". , Fac. de Letras, Univ de Coimbra, 11 to 11 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2012), ""Inter-American Studies and the reconfiguration of US hegemony"", paper presented at 33º Encontro da Ass. Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, 20 to 22 September.
Canelo, Maria José (2010), ""Carey McWilliams as a public intellectual: reflections on his work on citizenship and culture", ", paper presented at III CECC Colloquium on Culture and Conflict: Intellectual topographies and the making of citizenship, , Lisboa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 11 to 12 November.
Canelo, Maria José (2010), ""There is no Edge: place in Ntozake Shange's poetry"", paper presented at 31st Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies , Sociedade Portuguesa de Geografia de Lisboa, Lisboa, 15 to 17 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2009), ""World War II in the U.S, Journal _Common Ground_"", paper presented at II CECC Colloquium on Culture and Conflict: The (In)Visibility of War in Literature and the Media, Universidade Católica de Lisboa, 07 to 09 May.
Canelo, Maria José (2008), "Dominar o medo e controlar a violência: a Segunda Guerra Mundial na revista Common Ground", paper presented at The representation of violence and the violence of culture, Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 19 to 19 September.
Canelo, Maria José (2008), ""Good Dances Make Good Neighbors: the U.S. Welcome Carmen Miranda",", paper presented at XXVII Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, Carcavelos, 27 to 28 April.
(2007), "An America of South's Own", paper presented at 3rd IASA Congress (Internacional American Studies Association) 2007, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, 20 - 23 September., 20 to 23 September.
Canelo, Maria José (2007), "Carey McWilliams: inventing cultural citizenship in the 1940s", paper presented at 52nd BAAS Conference (British Association for American Studies),, Centre for American Studies, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, 19 to 22 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2005), "The geopolitical dimension of modernism - Mexican countercultures in California", paper presented at symposium Modernismos/Modernisms, Center for Social Studies of the Faculty of Economics, Coimbra University, 03 to 04 June.
Canelo, Maria José (2004), "Reading the Depression. Modernism and Documentary", paper presented at Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies "Forms of Representation, Ways of Writing", Univ. of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, 22 to 24 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2002), ""Common Ground and Immigrant Literatures in the 1940s"", paper presented at XXIII Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies "New Literary Histories", School of Humanities, University of Coimbra, 18 to 20 April.
Canelo, Maria José (2001), ""Carey McWilliams, a Forerunner of Cultural Citizenship in the 1940s"", paper presented at V International Conference on English Culture, "Culture and Freedom, School of Humanities, University of Lisbon, 30 to 30 November.
Canelo, Maria José; Penha, Marcelo (2001), "" 'Transformage': Transnational Visual Representations of Carmen Miranda"", paper presented at symposium 'Brazil, Visual Culture Matters', Guggenheim Museum, New York City, 03 to 03 November.
Canelo, Maria José (1998), ""Negotiating Ethnicity: American Indian poetry as substratum for a renewed WASP ethnicity"", paper presented at Meeting of the European Association for American Studies 1998, Lisbon, 03 to 06 April.
Canelo, Maria José (1998), ""Elitism and populism: modernism's midwives at Poetry A Magazine of Verse"", paper presented at XIX Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, Sintra, 01 to 03 April.
Canelo, Maria José (1997), ""Shifting Bonds in Modernism: Male and Female Father-Figures in The Little Review"", paper presented at III European Conference on Feminist Research, Coimbra, 12 to 12 July.
Canelo, Maria José (1997), ""Poesia Modernista e Diferença Cultural"", paper presented at XVIII Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, Guarda, 23 to 23 March.