Book Chapters

Araújo, Marta (2023), 'Talking about institutionalised racism or racism in institutions?' A case study on Roma segregation, in R. Andreassen, S. Keskinen, C. Lundström, S. A.Tate (org.), Routledge Handbook on New Critical Race and Whiteness Theory. London & New York: Routledge, 155-169

Araújo, Marta; Nimako, Kwame (2022), Mobilizing History: Racism, Enslavement and Public Debate in Contemporary Europe, in Shirley Anne Tate and Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez (org.), The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 449-466

Araújo, Marta; Maeso, S (2021), The power of racism in academia: knowledge production and political disputes, in B. S. Santos, B. S. Martins (org.), The Pluriverse of Human Rights: The Diversity of Struggles for Dignity. New York & London: Routledge (Original work published in 2019), 186-‌204

Araújo, Marta; Maeso, Silvia; Ramos, Max (2019), Countering Islamophobia in Portugal, in Ian Law, Amina Easat-Daas, Arzu Merali, Salman Sayyid (org.), Countering Islamophobia in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 183-212

Maeso, Silvia; Araújo, Marta (2015), Eurocentrism, Political Struggles and the Entrenched Will-to-Ignorance: An Introduction, in Araújo, Marta & Maeso, Silvia R. (org.), Eurocentrism, Racism and Knowledge Debates on History and Power in Europe and the Americas and the Americas. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-22
Open Access

Maeso, Silvia; Araújo, Marta (2014), The Politics of (Anti-)Racism. Academic Research and Policy Discourse in Europe, in Wulf D. Hund & Alana Lentin (org.), Racism and Sociology - Racism Analysis | Yearbook 5. Berlin: Lit-Verlag, 207-237
Open Access

Araújo, Marta (2013), Challenging Narratives on Diversity and Immigration in Portugal: the (de)politicization of colonialism and racism, in Jorge A. Capetillo, Glenn Jacobs & Philip A. Kretsedemas (org.), Migrant Marginality: A Transnational Perspective. New York: Routledge, 27-46
Open Access

Araújo, Marta; Maeso, Silvia (2012), Slavery and Racism as the 'Wrongs' of (European) History: Reflections from a Study on Portuguese Textbooks, in Douglas Hamilton, Kate Hodgson & Joel Quirk (org.), Slavery, Memory and Identity. London: Pickering & Chatto, 151-166
Open Access

Araújo, Marta (2008),, in Teresa Cunha and Sandra Silvestre (org.), Somos diferentes, Somos Iguais: diversidade, cidadania e educação. Santa Maria da Feira: Acção para a Justiça e Paz, 25-49
Open Access

Araújo, Marta (2007), O silêncio do racismo em Portugal: o caso do abuso verbal racista na escola (The silence of racism in Portugal: the case of racial abuse in schools), in Nilma Lino Gomes (org.), Um olhar além das fronteiras - educação e relações raciais (Beyond borders - education and racial relations). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Autêntica Editora, 77-94
Open Access

Araújo, Marta; Pereira, Marcus (2006), Education, ethnicity and social justice: for an inclusive policy agenda in Portugal', in J. Resende & M. M. Vieira (org.), The school at the frontiers of modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 61-74

Araújo, Marta; Pereira, Marcus (2006), Igualdade e diferença nas práticas pedagógicas (Equality and difference in pedagogic practices), in R. Bizarro & F. Braga (org.), Formação de professores de línguas estrangeiras: reflexões, estudos e experiências (The training of foreign languages' teachers: reflections, studies and experiences). Porto: Porto Editora, 395-406