Pedro Hespanha
Sociologist and founding member of CES. I am retired Professor at the Faculty of Economics of Coimbra. My main research is on the areas of rural studies, social policies, sociology of medicine, poverty and social exclusion. I have been a visiting professor at several foreign universities. I participated as main researcher in several national and international research projects and research networks, dealing with active social policies, social exclusion and poverty, employment and unemployment experiences and strategies.Since 2008, I coordinate the Research Group on Solidarity Economy (ECOSOL/CES)
February 21, 2025, 15h00 (GMT)
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Hespanha, Pedro (2024), Nas margens do trabalho reconhecido. Trabalho independente, informalidade e pobreza, in Jorge Caleiras e Renato do Carmo (org.), O Tripé Inadiável: Trabalho, emprego e proteção social em Portugal. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais, 23-31
Read moreBook Chapter
Hespanha, Pedro (2024), The Old and New Uses of Communal Lands: How to Escape Commodification?, in Montserrat Duch-Plana & Josep Pons-Altés (org.), Social Alternatives in Southern Europe and Latin America. New York: Routledge, 49-72
Read moreBook Chapter
Hespanha, Pedro (2024), Para uma reforma estrutural do Estado-providência, in Boaventura de Sousa Santos (org.), Estado e Sociedade em Portugal (1974-2024). Nos cinquenta anos do 25 de Abril. Coimbra: Edições 70, 463-484