Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Organization of Member of organizing committee of Thematic Section Civil Society, Alternative Economies and Volunteering, XIII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Universidade dos Açores, 08 to 11 July by 2025.
Organization of Member of organizing committee of 8th Annual Meeting of Political Economy, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 30 January to 01 February 2025.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Member of organizing committee of Thematic Section Civil Society, Alternative Economies and Volunteering, XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Coimbra, 04 to 06 April by 2023 (com Ferreira, Sílvia; Parente, Cristina; Rego, Raquel).
Member of the Organizing Committee of O que são as empresas sociais e como é que estão a contribuir para resolver problemas sociais e societais, Centro de Estudos Sociais, online, 27 to 29 April by 2021 (com Ferreira, Sílvia; Giovannini, Michela; Fidalgo, Pedro; Nogales, Rocío).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Member of the Organizing Committee of the Thematic Section Civil Society, Alternative Economies and Volunteering, XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, Online, 29 to 31 March by 2021 (com Ferreira, Sílvia; Parente, Cristina; Rego, Raquel).
Organization of Meeting "Os desafios do distanciamento nas organizações de proximidade", Secção Temática Sociedade Civil, Economias Alternativas, Voluntariado da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, Virtual, 20 to 20 November by 2020.
Organization of 3rd WG2 Research Workshop on "Unlocking the transformative potential of culture and the arts through SE", University of Malta, 04 to 05 November by 2019.
Organization of Panel "Social economy and social enterprise" na 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise "Sustainable development through social enterprise, co-operative and voluntary action", Sheffield Hallam University, 24 to 27 June by 2019.
Organization of Webinar "Solidarity Economy, Reciprocity and Social Innovation" - SERESI - International platform for research, learning and collaboration, Coimbra (presencial) e online, 21 to 21 February by 2019.
Organization of workshop "Empresas sociais: conceitos, contextos e investigação", FEUC, Coimbra, 04 to 04 October by 2018.
Organization of 1st Working Group meeting on theoretical foundations of SE - EMPOWER-SE COST Action, Lisboa, 28 February to 01 March 2018.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Training for sustainability? 5th meeting of the Forum on Education and Training on SE, FETSE, Louvain-La-Neuve, 03 to 03 July by 2017 (com Hulgard, Lars Ferreira, Sílvia).
Organization of International Congress on Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, FEUC, Coimbra, 23 to 24 September by 2016.
Organization of International Seminar "Impacts of the Third Sector in a Crisis Context", co-organized by MISIE and EAPN-Portugal, Coimbra: FEUC, 13 November 2015.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Panel "The age of enabling legal frameworks for SE (?): National experiences of legal frameworks for the social economy, solidarity economy and social enterprises", na 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Helsinky, 01 to 01 July by 2015 (com Ferreira, Sílvia Lisetchi, Mihai).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminar "State and Third Sector: Which new Commitments?", Observatório das Crises e Alternativas/CES, Auditório do Montepio, Lisboa, 18 to 18 June by 2015 (com Ferreira, Sílvia Carvalho da Silva, Manuel).
Organization of Conference: "The University in the center of social innovation: economies, technologies, knowledges, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 25 to 25 October by 2013.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Panel: Social innovation and collaborative learning in the relation between the academia and the social and solidarity economy, no âmbito da 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Liége, Bélgica, 01 to 04 July by 2013 (com Ferreira, Sílvia; Veríssimo Veronese, Marília ; Hulgård, Lars ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Panel "Social management and evaluation in the non-state public space: reproduction of values verification of results", working group in the "Xth Luso-Afro-Brasilian Congress of Social Sciences", Braga, 06 to 06 February by 2009 (com Ferreira, Sílvia Cabral, Eloisa Helena de Souza).
Organization of Workshop: Other economies: borders, discourses and debates, Centro de Estudos Sociais, 15 to 15 January by 2008.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Panel "State, market, third sector: frontiers and reconfigurations in the field of welfare", VIII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 17 to 17 September by 2004 (com Ferreira, Sílvia Cabral, Heloisa Helena de Sousa).
Member of the Organizing Committee of VIII Luso-Afro-Brasilian Congress of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, 16 to 18 September by 2004 (com Estanque, Elisio; Hermes, Costa; Ferreira, Silvia; Canelo, Maria Jose; Casimiro, Antonio; Bebiano, Rui).
Member of the Organizing Committee of "O papel do empresário social: características, particularidades e desafios" [The role of the social entrepreneur: features, specificities and challenges], VIII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 16 to 16 September by 2004 (com Cabral, Eloisa Helena de Sousa Silvia, Ferreira).
Organization of Simpósium of the project Reinventing Social Emancipation, Coimbra, Portugal, 23 to 26 November by 2000.
Presentations in scientific events
Ferreira, Sílvia; Fidalgo, Pedro; Abreu, Paula (2024), "Social enterprises in arts and culture in Portugal: Between economic and socio-cultural and political orientations", paper presented at Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation, Coimbra, 14 to 15 November.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2023), "The embodiement of us: A study of arts and crafts from the angle of the gift economy", paper presented at 9th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise "Act locally, change globally: Social enterprises and cooperatives for more resilient economies and societies", Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 11 to 14 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2023), "What is social in social enterprises", paper presented at 15th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) "Enhancing the multidisciplinarity of social innovation: bringing together the social sciences, engineering and technology", Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, 06 to 08 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2023), "O Pilar Europeu dos Direitos Sociais, a governação europeia das políticas sociais e o Mecanismo de Recuperação e Resiliência", paper presented at A Construção Europeia - Quatro Décadas de Reflexão em Coimbra, org. FDUC, FLUC e FEUC, Casa da Lusófonia, Coimbra, 23 to 23 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia; Abreu, Paula; Fidalgo, Pedro (2023), "As empresas sociais na arte e na cultura em Portugal: Características organizacionais e trajetórias institucionais", paper presented at XI Congresso Português de Sociologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 04 April 06 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2023), "Discussão de Narrativas da Integração Europeia: Divulgação dos resultados preliminares do projeto Mediatized EU", paper presented at Seminário Capitalismos, Socialismos e Democracias, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 19 to 19 January.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2021), "Social enterprises' social innovation in Portugal: a strategic relational approach to tackling social and societal challenges", paper presented at 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Teruel, Espanha, 04 to 08 October.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2021), "Organização da sessão plenária "Alternative approaches to reformulate SE in a post-pandemic world"", paper presented at 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise , University of Zaragoza, Teruel, 04 to 08 October.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2021), "Portuguese social enterprises institutional trajectories in tackling social and societal challenges", paper presented at 14th ISTR International Conference, Online, 12 to 15 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia; Giovannini, Michela; Fidalgo, Pedro (2021), "O que são empresas sociais em Portugal? Abordagem multidimensional das organizações nas suas trajetórias e contextos institucionais", paper presented at XI Congresso Português de Sociologia, Online, 29 to 31 March.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2020), "Public policies and social innovation governance", paper presented at 25th APDR workshop Social Innovation Towards Sustainability: Embracing Contemporary Challenges for Regional Development, Virtual, 28 September 02 October.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2020), "Master class on "Models of Social Innovation and Public Policies" ", paper presented at Social Innovation: Debates on a Research Agenda, Coimbra, 26 to 26 February.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2020), "The legal recognition of social enterprises in Portugal", paper presented at Towards an enabling ecosystem for social enterprises, Bucareste, Roménia, 12 to 13 February.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2020), "The double movements of society in the context of neoliberal capitalist societalization and the social and solidarity economy ", paper presented at Transformative Capitalism Through Real Utopias: Featuring Eric Olin Wright's Legacy, 23 to 24 January.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2019), "Social enterprise contested boundaries in Portugal: inside an outside the social and solidarity economy", paper presented at 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise "Sustainable development through social enterprise, co-operative and voluntary action", Sheffield Hallam University, 24 to 27 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2019), "Public policy as a facilitators and barrier for social innovation as intentional change ", paper presented at RurAction Spring School on "Social Innovations and Regional Development - Possibilities and Limits of Intentional Change"
, Roskilde University, 11 to 14 March.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2019), "Social Enterprises in Portugal: Concepts, contexts and models", paper presented at Towards an international typology of social enterprise models: Progress, perspectives and common trends, Budapest, 16 to 17 January.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "A economia social e solidária e o duplo movimento da societalização mercantil", paper presented at Colóquio Economia Social e Solidária: outro modo de criar futuro sustentável, CIUL - Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, 12 to 12 December.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "Roundtable: From the Workshop to the Assembly: How can Social Solidarity Economy renew Democracy?", paper presented at Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons: Envisioning sustainable and post-capitalist futures, Lisboa, 21 November 23 December.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "Byond Economics in the Public Sphere - governance, plurality, reciprocity", paper presented at URBINAT Webinar 1 "Social and Solidarity Economy", CES, Coimbra, 18 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "Epistemological challenges in SE studies: postdisciplinarity and positionality", paper presented at COST-CNRS-EMES International Training School: Social enterprises and research methods: Qualitative methods, mixed methods and international comparisons, Carry-Le-Rouet, Marseille, 19 to 22 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "Conferência: Uma Perspetiva de Futuro", paper presented at Estado e Sociedade Civil Organizada. Experiências de Colaboração, Lisboa, 30 to 30 May.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "Comentário livro "Economia Social e Solidária. Práticas, teorias e debates de J.-L. Laville"", paper presented at Encontro "Construir Juntos Economia Solidária", nos 10 anos do ECOSOL/CES, FEUC, Coimbra, 22 to 23 May.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "Meanings and Practices of Social Enterprise in Portugal.", paper presented at 3 rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar "Welfare Societies in Transition", Roskilde, Danmark, 16 to 17 April.
Ferreira, Sílvia; Hulgård, Lars (2018), " Solidarity
Economy, Governance and the Institutional
Reciprocal Welfare State", paper presented at 3rd EMES-Polanyi international Seminar: Welfare Societies in Transition, Roskilde, Danmark, 16 to 17 April.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2018), "Potencialidades e limites da integração de ferramentas NTIC no processo pedagógico", paper presented at Outros caminhos para o mesmo destino? Métodos pedagógicos e de avaliação em Relações Internacionais, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 11 to 11 January.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2017), "Can We Really Plan Social Innovation?", paper presented at Social Innovation as a Strategy for Atlantic Area Sustainable and Inclusive Development , Glasgow, 08 to 08 November.
Hulgärd, Lars; Ferreira, Sílvia (2017), "The Solidarity Economy from the perspective of Governance ", paper presented at First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy: Is it possible to foster a common agenda for Solidarity Economy in Europe?, Lisboa, 04 to 08 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2017), "Can the welfare state be observed by society again? Towards the possibilities of an institutional reciprocal welfare state model in Portugal", paper presented at 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Louvain-La-Neuve, 03 to 06 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2017), "A relação da economia social com o Estado e o mercado: transformações recentes e desafios futuros"", paper presented at Conferência "Desafios para a Economia Social", ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, 20 to 20 April.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2017), "Participação no painel "Social entrepreneurship and the relational welfare state - towards a new mix of redistribution and reciprocity?" com Simon Teasdale e Halvard Vike", paper presented at Nordic potentials of social entrepreneurship and social innovation - from redistribution and universality for reciprocity and relational well-being; threat or opportunity?
Joint conference between VIA, HSN and RUC, Aarhus, Dinamarca, 05 to 06 January.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2017), "Social entrepreneurship and social innovation in an international perspective - highlighting consequences for learning and training in academic programs", paper presented at Nordic potentials of social entrepreneurship and social innovation - from redistribution and universality for reciprocity and relational well-being; threat or opportunity? Joint conference between VIA, HSN and RUC, Aarhus; Dinamarca, 05 to 06 January.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2016), "Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, and the Third Sector in European politics of Activation , in the Panel Policy for Redistribution and Integration through Labor", paper presented at V Simpósio PPGCS/UNISINOS Desigualdades, Direitos e Políticas Públicas - Protagonismos e Alternativas e 1ª Conferência Internaiconal RILESS e EMES Economia Solidária e Empresas Sociais, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 12 to 14 December.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2016), "Mudança e continuidade institucional no terceiro setor em Portugal", paper presented at Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Social, Inovação e Empreendedorismo, "Práticas de empreendedorismo e inovação social: perspetivas e estratégias", FEUC, Coimbra, 22 to 23 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2016), "Do terceiro sector à economia social: mudança e continuidade institucional nas misturas do bem-estar em Portugal", paper presented at IX Congresso Português de Sociologia, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 06 to 08 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2016), "Paradoxos do Estado e do terceiro sector na governança", paper presented at IX Congresso Português de Sociologia , Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 06 to 08 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2016), "Shifting from redistribution to market? Portuguese social services organizations under crises", paper presented at 2nd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar, CNAM, Paris, 19 to 20 May.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2015), "Actors and meanings in the institutionalization of the social economy in Portugal: the case of the Social Economy Framework Law", paper presented at 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise "Building a scientific field to promote social enterprise ecosystem", Helsinki, 30 June 03 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2015), "Participation in opening session "SE and the third sector: Changing landscapes in an international perspective"", paper presented at 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise "Building a scientific field to promote social enterprise ecosystem", Helsinki, 30 June 03 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2015), "Negotiating boundaries between state, society and the economy in welfare governance: a system analytical perspective", paper presented at Society, Borders and Security, Universidade de Siegen, Alemanha, 24 to 24 April.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2015), ""A expressão multi-escalar dos paradoxos da governação em rede"", paper presented at XII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, FCSHUNL, Lisboa, 01 to 05 February.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2014), "Novas Trajetórias para o Terceiro Sector em Portugal em contexto de crise: a Institucionalização da Economia Social ", paper presented at Seminário Economia Solidária, Trabalho e Desigualdade Social: Oportunidades e Desafios das Políticas Públicas no Âmbito da América Latina e Europa, CES, Coimbra, 17 December.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2014), "The European legacies to the governance of social problems: from the open method of coordination to social innovation", paper presented at Political, Economic and Cultural Legacies of the
European Past in the Context of European Integration, Universitat Siegen, 24 to 25 October.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2014), "From governance to social entrepreneurship: a new landscape for the third sector in a welfare state under structural adjustment", paper presented at 11th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), University of Münster, Germany, 22 to 25 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2014), "Changes in the fields and frames of volunteering: a view from a country with low volunteering tradition", paper presented at 11th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), University of Münster, Germany, 22 to 25 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2014), "Interpreting SE in the knowledge-based economy", paper presented at 4th EMES International PhD Summer School "The three SE pillars: Social Entrepreneurship, Social Economy and Solidarity Economy", Timisoara, 29 June 02 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2013), "Civic and Political Values in a Welfare State in Crisis: a political economy approach", paper presented at The Effects of Crisis, New Media and
Social Protest on Democracy in Southern Europe, Universitat Siegen, 25 to 26 October.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2013), "Is it possible an alternative triple
Is it possible an alternative triple helix for the relations between the academia and society?
society?", paper presented at 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Liége, Bélgica, 01 to 04 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2013), "Social entrepreneurship and social
innovation and the role of Portuguese social
economy organisations in welfare", paper presented at 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Liége, Bélgica, 01 to 04 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2013), "Economia social na governação do bem-estar social", paper presented at Empreendedorismo Social, Comunidade e Inclusão, ESTSP/ IPP, Vila Nova de Gaia , 22 to 23 May.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2012), "Entrepreneurship as reflexive construction and management of hybridity", paper presented at RUC Sunrise Conference - Transforming Governance, Enhancing Innovation, panel "Social Entrepreneurship in Public Innovation", Roskilde, 29 to 31 October.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2012), "Framing the third sector with a systems theoretical approach", paper presented at 10th ISTR International Conference "Democratization, Marketization, and the Third Sector", Siena, 10 to 13 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2012), "The Third Sector Paradox in Democratic Network Governance", paper presented at 10th ISTR International Conference "Democratization, Marketization, and the Third Sector", Siena, 10 to 13 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2012), "terceiro sector na governação do bem-estar: uma abordagem estratégica a partir da perspectiva dos sistemas complexos", paper presented at VII Congresso Português de Sociologia: Sociedades, Crise e Reconfigurações, Porto, 19 to 22 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2012), "O estudo de caso etnográfico como estratégia de observação da complexidade da governação local ", paper presented at VII Congresso Português de Sociologia: Sociedades, Crise e Reconfigurações, Porto, 19 to 22 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2011), "Complexity unfolding in state-third sector relations in local governance", paper presented at 33rd EGPA Conference, Permanent Study Group VIII: Public governance of societal sectors, Bucareste, 07 to 10 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2011), "Scaling social impact under different modes of welfare governance", paper presented at 3rd EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise: Social Innovation through Social Entrepreneurship in Civil Society , Roskilde, 04 to 07 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2011), "A Emergência e o Significado de Empreendedorismo Social", paper presented at Workshop "Empreendedorismo Social: Teoria e Práticas", Universidade de Aveiro, 30 to 30 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2011), "Contributos da teoria dos sistemas para uma abordagem relacional da economia social na governação do bem-estar social", paper presented at 3º Seminário CES sobre os Fundamentos da Economia: Onde pára o mercado?, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 27 to 28 May.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2009), "Discursividade e materialidade estratégica do terceiro sector, economia social e cooperativismo", paper presented at II Seminário de Direito Cooperativo e Cidadania, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Paraná, em Curitiba, Paraná., 18 to 20 November.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2009), "Complexity and governance in local partnerships: a case study of mutual observations of state and civil society", paper presented at 9th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Lisboa, 02 to 05 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2009), "Governance and failure in local strategic multi-sectoral partnerships: the cases of LSPs (England) and Rede Social (Portugal)", paper presented at CINEFOGO Workshop, Governing Ambiguities: New Forms of Local Governance and Civil Society, Prague, 28 May 30 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2009), "Complexidade na governação do bem-estar e redefinição das fronteiras do espaço público não estatal", paper presented at X Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, GT Gestão social e avaliação no espaço público não estatal: reprodução de valores e verificação de resultados", Braga, 06 February.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2008), "Complexity in welfare systems governance and the changing borders of the third sector: researching two local multisectoral partnerships", paper presented at ISTR Eighth International Conference and 2nd EMES-ISTR European Conference, "The Third Sector and Sustainable Social Change: New Frontiers for Research", organised by ISTR, EMES in partnership with CINEFOGO, Barcelona, 09 to 12 July.
Ferreira, Virginia; Lopes, Monica; Ferreira, Silvia; Coelho, Lina (2008), "Civil society organisations and gender equality: mainstreaming and empowerment in the public policies towards civil society", paper presented at ISTR Eighth International Conference and 2nd EMES-ISTR European Conference, "The Third Sector and Sustainable Social Change: New Frontiers for Research", organised by ISTR, EMES in partnership with CINEFOGO, Barcelona, 09 to 12 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2008), "Governance and failure in local strategic multisectoral partnerships and the place of civil society organisations", paper presented at CINEFOGO workshop "New Form of Local Governance and Civil Society", Trento, 20 June 21 July.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2008), "Old and new agendas for personal social services in the Portuguese welfare mix", paper presented at Between State and Citizen - The Role of Civic Elements in the Governance and Production of Social Services, Ljubjlana, 07 to 08 March.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2007), "Complexity and failure: observing variety in local governance at the changing borders of the welfare state", paper presented at The Analysis of Hybrids, in Society, Contracts and Organisations. Network, partnership, hybrid contacts, hybrid laws, Copenhagen Business School, 12 to 14 November.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2007), "A questão social e as alternativas da sociedade civil [The social question and the alternatives of civil society]", paper presented at I Simpósio Nacional Desigualdades, Direitos e Políticas Públicas, UNISINOS, Brasil, 08 to 11 October.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2007), "Old and new agendas for personal social services: changing welfare mixes, path dependency and the role of the third sector", paper presented at Between State and Citizen - The Role of Civic Elements in the Governance and Production of Social Services, Berlin, 30 to 31 March.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2007), "Governance through partnerships and the third sector: On the challenges of researching new welfare governance in two localities", paper presented at workshop CINEFOGO "Partnerships - Keystone of New Governance", Münster, 29 to 30 January.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2006), "Comment", paper presented at ESF Exploratory workshop on The Third Sector in a Changing Europe: Key Trends and Challenges, Budapest, 06 to 08 December.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2006), "Governance of third sector and third sector governance in welfare restructuring", paper presented at Lancaster Sociology Department Summer Conference, Lancaster, 20 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2005), "South European Perspective on the Nordic Model - how far are we from each other", paper presented at Citizens Intermediate Organisations and Governance of the Challenges of Welfare Societies in Nordic Societies, University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg, 24 to 25 November.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2005), "Les politiques sociales au Portugal entre plusiers historicités : passé et futur [Social policies in Portugal between plural historicities: past and future]", paper presented at Les politiques sociales en Europe, Collège Coopératif en Bretagne, Universidade de Rennes, 08 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2005), "Que papel para as organizações sociais perante os novos problemas e as novas políticas [Which role for social organisations in face of new problems and new policies?]", paper presented at Gestão social: que implicações jurídicas?, Instituto Superior Bissaya-Barreto e AAEISBB, Coimbra, 04 May.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2005), "The places of the third sector in the Portuguese welfare regime: the case of social and family services", paper presented at Primeira Conferência Europeia EMES/ISTR, Concepts of the Third Sector, The European debate: Civil Society, Voluntary Organizations, Social and Solidarity-Based Economy, Paris, 27 to 29 April.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2005), "O Empresário Social em Portugal. Perfil de Emprego do Activista da Economia Social [The social entrepreneur in Portugal: the profile of the job of the activist in the social economy]", paper presented at 30 anos de Associativismo, CIES/ISCTE, Lisboa, 07 March.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2004), "A reforma do sistema de segurança social em Portugal [The social security system reform in Portugal]", paper presented at VIII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, 16 to 18 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2004), "O que tem de especial o empreendedor social? [What is so special about the social entrepreneur?]", paper presented at VIII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Estudos Sociais, 16 to 18 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2004), "O papel de movimento social das organizações do terceiro sector em Portugal [The social mouvement role of third sector organisations in Portugal]", paper presented at V Congresso Português de Sociologia, Braga, 12 to 15 May.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2003), "The Past in the Portuguese Social Security Reform", paper presented at Conference of ESPANET (The Network for European Social Policy Analysis), Changing European Societies - The Role for Social Policy, Copenhaga, 13 to 15 November.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2003), "Searching for a social movement role by the third sector", paper presented at 6ª Conferência da Associação Europeia de Sociologia, Ageing Societies, New Sociology, Múrcia, 23 to 26 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2002), "O apoio à família com doentes crónicos a cargo [The support to families with dependent cronical patients]", paper presented at A Família no centro dos cuidados: no Hospital... no Centro de Saúde... na Comunidade, Escola Superior de Enfermagem Bissaya Barreto, Coimbra, 13 to 14 June.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2001), "Social protection beyond the state: How private non-profit organisations shape the Portuguese welfare system", paper presented at 5th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 5ª Conferência da Associação Europeia de Sociologia "Visions and Divisions", Helsínquia, 28 August 01 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (2000), "As organizações do terceiro sector na reforma da Segurança Social [Third sector organisations in social security reform in Portugal]", paper presented at IV Congresso Português de Sociologia, Coimbra, 17 to 19 April.
Ferreira, Sílvia (1998), "Os actores na reforma dos sistemas de protecção social: a reforma do Sistema de Segurança Social português [Social actors in social protection systems reform: the reform of the portuguese social security system]", paper presented at V Congresso Luso Afro Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Maputo, Mocambique, 01 to 05 September.
Ferreira, Sílvia (1998), "Considerations about the development of the third sector: State and society in Portugal", paper presented at 6th European Conference on the Social Economy - New Millennium, New Economy, Birmingham, 03 to 05 June.