Gender Equal Research @UC

February 1, 2021 to April 30, 2024
39 months

The way in which scientific knowledge is produced, applied and translated for societal use is not free from the global and structural system that produces gender inequalities based on assigning men and women different hierarchical roles. Research processes that ignore a gender dimension, or are biased, result in poor quality research and are wasteful. GendER@UC  (Gender Equal Research @UC) proposes to engage in the following goals and activities: (i) Combat vertical / horizontal segregation in the research career, supporting or developing research careers for women with mentoring actions in high-risk, high-gain programs (such as ERC) and a Bootcamp WomenResearchers@UC; (ii) Mitigate organizational barriers when accessing and advancing the career of women in  Research and Development (R&D) Units of the University of Coimbra (UC) through actions that promote gender equality (GE), such as mapping GE practices in UC R&D Units, implementing workshops on leadership, and developing manuals for the R&D Units; (iii) Develop inclusive research practices that promote excellence and maximize the relevance of scientific research results, such as training sessions for the integration of gender perspective in research and review of procedures for the support of competitive applications for funding ; and (iv) Promote inclusive communication through a workshop and a handbook. 


Through a benchmarking strategy and knowledge transfer process with Donor State University of Iceland, a strategic collaboration with the Center for Social Studies, and expert support from the National Funding Agency for Research (FCT), the Portuguese Association for Women Scientists (AMONET) and TIME Person of the year Jessica Cantlon, GendER@UC will seek to increase the representation of women in all UC scientific activities, as well as their success in funding excellent and international science.


The University of Coimbra,through iiiUC, is the promotor of this projest, its team being lead by Cláudia Cavadas.
The partnership also includes Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland.

Funding Entities
EEA Grants - National Agency for Citizenship and Gender Equality
European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021