Carers for a Day
Carers for a Day: For a lifetime experience. Transforming masculinities to drive more men into the Care Sector
Care is a fundamental aspect of our lives. Gendered representations of productive and reproductive roles still persist, being reflected in a “gender care gap”, and leading to the under-representation of men in the Care sector. In line with the European Care Strategy 2020-2025, the Project “Carers for a Day”, led by the Portuguese Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE), will seek to prevent and counter the gender-based segregation in vocational choices, particularly in the Care sector, challenging the idea that these are female-dominated areas. The project's overarching goal is to promote a gender-transformative approach by challenging stereotypes that perpetuate the traditional division of labour. By encouraging more boys to pursue care-related occupations, the project contributes to the valorisation and de-gendered recognition of care work in society, addressing issues such as the gender pay gap. Targeting students, teachers, Care Sector organizations and policymakers, the project seeks to enhance awareness, to foster
understanding on caring masculinities, to debunk gender stereotypes, and to promote the value of the care work. Built upon a broad network of partnerships with middle and high schools, higher education institutions and organisations from the Care sector, the intervention is anchored on a multi-layered approach, combining 1) research: on the State of Boyhood in Portugal, Spain, and Croatia in order to understand boys' experiences and practices, and to identify challenges in career choices; 2) Activities in schools: through a pilot program to counter gender stereotypes, while offering young students the opportunity to get to know the working realities and to “job shadow” male professionals from the Care Sector; and 3) awareness-raising and policy advocacy actions: to challenge stereotypes, promote the value of the Care work and inspire more men to consider care careers.
CITE - Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e Emprego (Coordenação)
Associação Portuguesa para a Diversidade e Inclusão - AP PT
Fundación Iniciativa Social - Espanha