Capítulos em Livros

Sancho Querol, Lorena; Castro, Tiago; Ramos, Dina (2022), As artes de um lugar: memórias e tradições de uma comunidade rural, in Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona; Carvalho, Cláudia; Castro, Tiago; Silva, Sílvia (org.), CREATOUR: catalisando o turismo criativo em cidades de pequena dimensão e em áreas rurais. Coimbra: Projeto CREATOUR, 260-269

Sancho Querol, Lorena; Salvado, Rita; Rolo, Guida (2022), COOLWOOL. Fim de semana criativo na Covilhã, in Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona; Carvalho, Cláudia; Castro, Tiago; Silva, Sílvia (org.), The CREATOUR Experience: catalisando o turismo criativo em cidades de pequena dimensão e em áreas rurais.. Coimbra: Projeto CREATOUR, 204-220

Sancho Querol, Lorena (2022), Desvendar memórias no Museu Nacional de Etnologia, Lisboa [Unraveling memories at the National Museum of Ethnology, Lisbon], in Ana Guardiao, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Paulo Peixoto (org.), Ecos Coloniais: História(s), Património(s) e Memória(s) [Colonial Echoes: History(ies), Heritage(s) and Memory(ies)]. Lisboa: Tinta da China., 144-153

Gianolla, Cristiano; Raggi, Giuseppina; Sancho Querol, Lorena (2022), "Decolonising the narrative of Portuguese empire. Life stories of African presence, heritage and memory", in Knudsen, Britta Timm; Oldfield, John R.; Buettner, Elizabeth; Zabynuan, Elvan (Ed.) (org.), Decolonizing Colonial Heritage. New Agendas, Actors and Practices in and beyond Europe. New york: Routledge, 83-103 (e-book 2021)

Sancho Querol, Lorena (2022), "Unraveling memories at the National Museum of Ethnology", in Ana Guardião; Bandeira Jerónimo, Miguel; Peixoto, Paulo (org.) (org.), Colonial Echoes: History(ies), Heritage(s) and Memory(ies). Lisboa: Tinta da China, 144-153

Sancho Querol, Lorena; Montenegro, Aline; Castro, Fernanda (2020), "Invisibilised Heritage", in Andersen, Casper; Timm Knudsen, Britta; Kølvraa, Christoffer (Ed.) (org.), Anthology exploring the keywords of colonial heritage. Aarhus: ECHOES project

Sancho Querol, Lorena; Chuva, Márcia; Nonbo Andersen, Astrid; Raggi, Giuseppina; Gianolla, Cristiano; Peixoto, Paulo (2019), "Entangled Cities", in Andersen, Casper; Timm Knudsen, Britta; Kølvraa, Christoffer (org.), Anthology exploring the keywords of colonial heritage. Aarhus: ECHOES project

Sancho Querol, Lorena; Sancho, Emanuel (2015), Chapter XI: " MuT: Connecting people, ideas and worlds to build a usefulMuseology ", in Pinto, H.; Porter, J. (org.), Resilient territories: innovation and creativity for new modes of regional development (This work is an improved English version of the Portuguese article "Sujeitos do património: os novos horizontes da Museologia Social em São Brás de Alportel", published at e-cadernos CES). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 195-216

Sancho Querol, Lorena; Sancho, Emanuel (2015), "How can museums contribute to social and cultural change?", in Jensen, J. Thorek & Lundgaard, I. Brændholt (org.), Museums: Citizens and Sustainable Solutions. Denmark: Danish Agency of Culture, 212-231

Sancho Querol, Lorena (2014), "Photography, Memory and Identity", in Korenchi-Misz, A. & Lindsey, N. (org.), Exhibit your Culture. Community learning in museums and cultural organizations.Final document of the project Community exhibitions as Tools for Adults' Individual Development (CETAID). European Programme: Lifelong Learning -Grundtvig, 43-45