Outras atividades

2024 - Paper, Maria Elena Indelicato ´Perfectible´ Blackness: Black Feminists´ World Making in Post-Emancipation U.S., Panel: Beyond ´Otherwise´ and ´Outlaw´ Feelings of Belonging, The Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas (MESEA) - 13th Biennial Conference ´Moving Cultures, Moving Ethnicities´, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus, June 12-14.

2023 - Invited Guest Lecture '''Sensible''Blackness. Hosea Easton's Engagement with the Affective Politics of 19th Century Race Science(s)', Guest Lectures in American studies Münster (GLAM), English Department the University of Münster, November 23.

2023 - Invited Paper 'Approaching Anti-Racism through the Lenses of Disability: Hosea Easton and Black Abolitionists'Engagement with Antebellum Racial Sciences,'Science Beyond the West Working Group, Decolonial Pedagogies Workshop Series, Spring 2023, University of Pennsylvania, January 18.

2023 - Masterclass, Affect/Biopower, Communities/Populations, Master of Research Course 'Representing Imagined Communities', English Department, University of Münster, December 12.

2023 - The 'Sensible' Black Body. Black Abolitionists' Engagement with the Affective Politics of 19th Century Race Science(s), CRC Affective Societies - Dynamics of Living Together in Moving Worlds, Free University of Berlin: Berlin, July 12

2022 - Paper, Queering populism: far-right women leaders, non-normative heterosexual families, and (white) national belonging in Italy, European Conference on Politics and Gender, July 6-8, Ljubljana.

2022 - Paper, Queering the far-right in Italy Giorgia Meloni's modern motherhood, non-normative heterosexual families, and the white nation, 11th European Feminist Research Conference 'Social Change in a Feminist Perspective', Strand 10 - 'Citizenship, Nationalism(s) and Racism(s)' June 15-18, University of Milano Bicocca.

2022 - Paper, Racial Grief, Redress and Disability: from Abolitionism to Brown v. Board, Global Meeting on Law&Society 'Rage, Reckoning, & Remedy', July 13-16, Lisbon. Paper, History of Anti-Racism: from Antebellum Abolitionism to the Sociology of Race Relations, Roundtable 'History and Sociology of Sociology,'116th Virtual American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting 'Emancipatory Sociology: Raising to the Du Boisian Challenge', August 6-10.

2022 - Paper, Seeing Slavery through the Lenses of Sensibility: Hosea Easton and Black Abolitionists' Engagement with Racial Sciences, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary African, African American & Diaspora Studies (AAAD), Conference 'Voices of Race, Modes of Advocacy, February 16-19.

2022 - Paper, with Maria Magalhães Lopes, 'Reproductive racism in Italy. Georgia Meloni's exclusion of non-white women from the family of the nation', Populist Politics in the Post-Pandemic Landscape, 6th Populism Specialist Group (PSA) Workshop, September 22-23, University of Brighton.

2021 - Invited Paper 'Decolonize Historiography, Unsettling Colonial Archives,' presented at the COST Working Group 1- Decolonize Development Knowledge, online Zoom event, May 14.

2021 - Paper, History of Anti-Racism: from Antebellum Abolitionism to the Sociology of Race Relations, Roundtable 'History and Sociology of Sociology,'116th Virtual American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting 'Emancipatory Sociology: Raising to the Du Boisian Challenge,'August 6-10.

2020 - Paper 'The Gender of Conquest: Chinese Miners, Irish Women and the Making of Victoria', presented at the Intersectional Conference - Imprisonment and Society. Faculty of Letters, University of Coimbra: Coimbra, January 29-31.

2019 - Guest Lecture 'Frontier of Hollywood: Native Americans and the Conquest of the West', given for the course History of USA, Department of Anglo-American Studies, Faculty of Letters, The University of Coimbra.

2019 - Guest Lecture, 'South of Hollywood: African-Americans and the Myth of the Lost Cause', given for the course History of USA, Department of Anglo-American Studies, Faculty of Letters, The University of Coimbra, March 12.

2019 - Invited Paper 'Communist Future of China: Cinema, Anthropology and Modernity', presented at the International Seminar 'Science and Cinema', Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, October 25.

2019 - Invited paper 'The Colonial Legacy of Interculturalism' presented at the Roundtable: Interculturalism and Populism, 2020 Migrating Rights | Keywords Series, Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra: Coimbra, January 20.

2019 - Invited Paper 'The Myth of the Negro Past:' Cultural Anthropology's Role in the Era of Racial Liberalism and Colonial Indirect Rule, presented at the Slam Seminar, Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra: Coimbra, June 21.Chair: Gaia Giuliani; Discussants: Maria Paula Meneses and Marta Araújo.

2018 - Invited Paper 'Frontier/ Borderlands: Violence in the Sugar Towns of North Queensland', presented at the 2018 Visiting Scholars Seminar Series, Griffith Center for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University: Brisbane, 26 March.

2018 - Guest Lecture 'Beyonce's Liberation: from the Slave Ship to "Formation"', given for the Fashion Studies Master, Sapienza University of Rome: Rome, October 18.

2018 - Guest Lecture 'International Students: Race, Gender and Emotions in Australia', given for the course Introduction to Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, Wollongong University, April 12.

2018 - Guest Lecture 'Sexual/Scapes: Settlers' Dispossession of Aboriginal Land and Sexuality',given for the Fashion Studies Master Sapienza University of Rome: Rome, October 16.

2018 - Invited paper 'Violence and the Archive: Land and Labour in the Sugar Towns of North Queensland', presented at the Center for Colonial and Settler Studies (CASS), Wollongong University: Wollongong, April 26.

2018 - Invited Paper 'Neither Black Nor White:' Colonial Violence, Chinese's Respectability and Making of Rural Victoria, presented at the Empire, Race and Violence, Workshop, Centre for the History of Violence, University of Newcastle: Newcastle, August 2.

2018 - Paper 'Legacy of Lynching: Violence in the 'Inside Districts' of North Queensland', presented at the 'Northern Links: Protecting Their Interests and Pushing Back', The Seventh 'no fuss' Conference, Chinese Heritage in Northern Australia Inc.: Townsville, 3-4 March.

2017 - Invited paper 'The Performativity of Orientalism: 'Asian' International Students, Whiteness and the Australian Border', presented at the Edward Said Lecture Series-17, Center for Global Studies and History, Shanghai University: Shanghai, 25 October.

2017 - Invited talk 'OMGYes: from the Rape Continuum to Affirmative Consent', given for the Gender, Culture and Identities Dialogues Series, University of Nottingham Ningbo China: Ningbo, 9 March.

2017 - Paper 'The Legacy of Yellow Peril: Cold War Epistemology, Academic Panic and the 'Chinese' International Student', presented at the 5th Annual Foundation of Australian Studies in China (FASIC) 'Transnational Connectivity' Conference. Jangsu Normal University: Xuzhou, 1-3 November.

2016 - Guest lectur 'Queer Phenomenology: or What We Missed Out by Be(com)ing Straight', given for the course Cultural Analysis, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, April 21.

2016 - Guest lecture 'How to Write an Academic Essay: Structure, References, and Conventions', given for the course Introduction to New Media Studies, Department of Media and Communication, School of Media and Design, Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, November 11.

2016 - Guest lecture 'Queer Phenomenology: or What We Missed Out by Be(com)ing Straight', given for the oourse Cultural Analysis, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, May 8.

2016 - Guest lecture'No Such a Thing as Standard Beauty:' Race, Gender, Class and Emotions in America's Next Top Model, given for the course Gender and Media, Department of Media and Communication, School of Media and Design, Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, June 11.

2016 - Invited paper 'What is Wrong with Internationalisation?: a Genealogy of 'Cultural Distance' in Higher Education',presented at the Comparative and International Education Research Network, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney: Sydney, 29 April.

2016 - Invited paper, The Difficulty of Being Marco Polo': Italian Filmmakers in the History of Transnational Chinese Cinema, presented at the Department of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong: Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, 2 July.

2016 - Invited Talk 'The Continuum of Sexual Harassment: from Sex to Gender Discrimination', given for the Student Affairs Office and Diversity Students Association, University of Nottingham Ningbo China: Ningbo, 6 December

2016 - Masterclass 'Why is history important?: a question of method to analyse critically international education policies', given for the Comparative and International Education Research Network, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney: Sydney, 29 April

2016 - Paper 'Violence and Settler Colonialism: Notes towards a Reassessment of Race Relations in Australia and the United States', presented at the Summer School 'Concurrences and Connections: Beyond Eurocentrism'. Linnaeus University: Vaxjio, 15-19 August.

2015 - Guest lecture 'International Students: Race, Gender and National Identity in Australia, given for the course Culture and Communication, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, March 6(repeated in 2016).

2015 - Paper 'Behind the Mask of Market: Transnational Co-productions between China and Italy',presented at the Huallywood Film Research Center's Annual Conference: 'Transnational and Transcultural Construction of Huallywood Cinema'. Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University: Ningbo, 3-4 May.

2015 - Paper 'Marco Polo in Movieland: Amerigo Enrico Lauro and the Making of Chinese Films in the Early Twentieth Century', presented at the "Interconnecting East Asian Cities and Beyond: Reframing the Early History of Chinese Cinema", Shanghai Theatre Academy, 18-20 December.

2014 - Paper 'Aboriginal-Italian Families: Encountering a History of Love and Labour in North Queensland', presented at the European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA) International Annual Conference: 'Encountering Australia: Transcultural Conversations.' Monash University Prato Centre: Prato, 24-26 September.

2014 - Paper 'International Students in Australia: Ideal or Bogus Migrants?', presented at the Panel: 'Migration Futures: Emerging Migration Cultures in Dynamic Economies.' Knowledge/Culture/Economy International Conference. Institute of Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney: Sydney, 3-5 November.

2014 - Paper 'Backdoor Entry' to Australia: International Education as a Risk of Illegal Migration', presented at the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia's Annual Conference (CSAA): 'Provocations', School of Humanities and Social Inquiry. University of Wollongong: Wollongong, 3-5 December.

2012 - Invited Paper, 'Governing International Students', presented at the Cross-Border Collective's Seminar Series: Politics, Colonialism, Borders. Sydney, 13 December.

2012 - Paper ;'The Making of International Students' Vulnerabilities: Race, Gender and Space', presented at the Australian Women and Gender Association's Biannual Conference (AWGSA): 'Interventions: Reflections, Critiques, Practices'. School of Humanities, University of New South Wales: Sydney, 21-23 November.

2011 - Paper 'Feeling like an International student: investment into the politics of suffering', presented at the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia's Annual Conference (CSAA): 'Cultural ReOrientation and Comparative Colonialities'. International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslims Understanding. University of South Australia: Adelaide, 22-24 November.

2011 - Paper 'On being othered and other multicultural discontents: international students in Australia', presented at the Limina Conference. University of Western Australia: Perth, 15 July.

2011 - Paper 'Racist violence and international students' anger', presented at the Australian Critical and Race and Whiteness Studies Association's Annual Conference (ACRAWSA): "Directions and Intersection". Gold Coast, 7-9 December.

2010 - Paper 'Toward a revaluation of the concept of ideology within Feminist Media Studies: women's subjectivities between The Tyra Banks Show and Marie Clarie', presented at the Australian Women and Gender Association's Biannual Conference (AWGSA): 'Emerging Spaces: New Possibilities in Critical Times.' University of South Australia: Adelaide, 1-2 July