Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Member of the Organizing Committee of 'HUMANIZA - Showcase of films on human rights and migrations', Caminhos do Cinema Português Associação de Artes Cinematográficas de Coimbra and Cine Clube de Faro, 10 to 10 December by 2024 (com Neves, Ana Filipa; Regedor, Ana Miguel; Gianolla, Cristiano; Giuliani, Gaia; Cruz, Manuel João; Braga, Mónica de Sousa; Kravchuk, Pavlo; Leiria Viegas, Sílvia).
Organization of [Panel] Organiser, 'Emotions, Digital Participation, Social State in Populism and Anti-Populism', International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (OIDP), 23rd International Conference, Valongo (Portugal), 17 Oct 2024, 17 to 17 October by 2024.
Organization of [Panel] Organiser, 'Populist Narratives and Political Cultures: Disputing Hegemony through Political Myth and Emotions', International Political Science Association (IPSA), International Conference on 'Democratization and Autocratization', New University of Lisbon, Gulbenkian Foundation, 13 to 13 September by 2024.
Member of the Organizing Committee of [Panel] 'Narratives, Representations, Migrations and Affective Citizenship', International Conference on 'Emotional Dynamics of (In)security and Politics', U Saarland, 11 to 11 June by 2024 (com Gianolla, Cristiano Mónico, Lisete).
Organization of [Intl. Colloquium] Event co-organiser (with Lisete Mónico, Manuel João Cruz and Maria Izabel Braga Weber), 'Emotions, Narratives and Identities in Politics, Populism and Democracy', UNPOP International Colloquium, U Coimbra, 24 to 26 January by 2024.
Organization of [Intl. Workshop] Event organiser and co-chair (with Lisete Mónico and Beatriz Carbone), 'Synergy Creation in Emotions & Politics Research in Europe', (synergy creation between 5 HEU projects: PROTEMO, PLEDGE, MORES, CO3, CIDAPE), CES Coimbra, 23 to 23 January by 2024.
Organization of [Panel] Organiser, chair and co-discussant (with Emilia Palonen), 'Entanglements of identity, knowledge and emotions in policy making of polarised societies', European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, U Prague, 04 to 04 September by 2023.
Organization of [Plenary session] Moderator of the keynote session 'Moderating Online Hate Speech: Destructive Strategies to Free Speech', International Conference - Hate Speech: How to Counteract?, U Açores, São Miguel, 05 to 05 May by 2023.
Organization of [Round Table] Semi-plenary round-table organiser and Chair, 'Narrativas polarizadas e identidades (in)definidas [Polarised Narratives and (Un)Defined Identities]', Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) - XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, U Coimbra, 04 to 04 April by 2023.
Organization of [Painel] Chair, "Comemoração, Património e Identidade no Populismo", Terceira Conferência de Helsínquia, Emoções, Populismo e Polarização da Política, dos Media e da Cultura (HEPP3), U Helsinki, 15 to 16 June by 2022.
Organization of [Event Series] Co-organizer, with CES-ITM researchers, event series on 'Migration(s) and Global Crises', CES, Coimbra, 01 May 2022 to 30 June 2023.
Organization of [Event Series] Organizer of the event series on 'Populism and emotions', CES Coimbra, 01 December 2021 to 21 March 2025.
Organization of [Panel] Discussant, 'O digital, o tradicional, o novo normal?' [The digital, the traditional, the new normal?], 3rd International Congress of the Research Network Libraries, Policies, Reading, CES (online), 24 to 24 September by 2021.
Organization of [Panel] Organiser and Chair, 'Emotion and populism within and beyond the negative correlation', European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, U Innsbruck - Online, 03 to 03 September by 2021.
Organization of [Intl. Conference] Co-organiser, with ECHOES project researchers, of the International Conference 'Decolonising the postcolonial? Disputed heritages', UNIRIO - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 14 to 16 April by 2021.
Organization of [Round Table] Organiser and moderator of the 'Current challenges to heritage decolonisation processes', CES Coimbra, 15 to 15 December by 2020.
Member of the Organizing Committee of [Event Series] Organiser and moderator of the Seminar Series on 'Constructing the Epistemologies of the South', CES Coimbra, 01 February 2020 to 31 May 2021 (com Sena Martins, Bruno Gianolla, Cristiano).
Organization of [Round Table] Organiser and moderator of the 'Populism and Interculturalism', CES Coimbra, 20 to 20 January by 2020.
Organization of [Event Series] Co-organiser, with CES-ITM researchers, event Series on 'Migrating Rights | Keywords', CES Coimbra, 11 December 2019 to 30 June 2021.
Organization of [Intl. Workshop] Event co-organiser and co-chair (with academics and social movements), 'Memory, Heritage, Colonialism and Anti-Racism', Popular University of Social Movements, Lisboa, 07 to 07 July by 2019.
Organization of [Workshop] Co-organiser, with ECHOES project researchers, workshop of the ECHOES research project 'Methodological Issues of Researching Entangled Cities', CES Lisboa & Coimbra, 06 to 07 November by 2018.
Member of the Organizing Committee of [Workshop] Co-organiser and co-facilitation, with CES-ITM researchers, international workshop of the Inter-Thematic Group on Migration entitled 'How can Science and Technology Studies help to reflect on the political crisis associated with refugees and asylum seekers?' workshop with EASST and EXCHANGE Project funds, CES Coimbra, 26 to 28 September by 2018 (com Amelung, Nina; Gaia, Giuliani; Gianolla, Cristiano; Solovova, Olga; Sousa Ribeiro, Joana).
Organization of [Round Table] Co-organiser with Giovanni Ruocco and Vanessa Bilancetti, of the open round table, with Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Miguel Mellino, Carmine Conelli and Eleonora Meo, participated by activists and wider public, 'Quali movimenti transnazionali a partire dalle Epistemologie de Sud?' [Which transnational movements starting from Epistemologie de Sud?] , Atelier ESC, Rome, 08 to 08 May by 2018.
Member of the Organizing Committee of [Workshop] Co-organiser and co-chair, with CES-ITM researchers, workshop of the Inter-Thematic Group on Migration entitled 'Migrations: Bridges and Gaps', CES Coimbra, 15 to 15 March by 2018 (com Gianolla, Cristiano; Giuliani, Gaia; Jorge Fonseca, Gabriela; Lechner, Elsa; Proglio, Gabriele; Sotero, Luciana; Roque, Sílvia).
Organization of [Panel] Organiser and co-chair, with Ryan Japson, 'Mandate type, participation as democratisation or deliberation as a limit?', 'Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century', International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 10, Lisbon, 14 to 14 July by 2017.
Organization of [Workshop] Organisater and chair, PhD workshop 'In Memory of Giulio Regeni', 'Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century', International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 10, Lisbon, 14 to 14 July by 2017.
Member of the Organizing Committee of [Workshop] Co-organiser and co-chair, with CES-ITM researchers, workshop of the Inter-Thematic Group on Migration entitled 'Migrations: Narratives, Spaces and...', CES Coimbra, 06 to 06 April by 2017 (com Gianolla, Cristiano; Sousa Ribeiro, Joana; Solovova, Olga; Giuliani, Gaia; Tesfaye, Zelalem).
Organization of [Panels] Chair, two sessions on 'Democratising Democracy', ALICE International Colloquium, Coimbra, 11 to 11 July by 2014.
Organization of [Intl. Workshop] Event co-organiser and co-chair (with academics and social movements), 'Land and Displacement in India', Popular University of Social Movements, Mumbai, Mumbai, 14 to 16 February by 2014.
Organization of [Intl. Workshop] Event co-organiser (with academics and social movements), 'Reconstruction of democratic thinking: Democracy in Europe', Popular University of Social Movements, Madrid, 14 to 16 June by 2013.
Organization of [Intl. Workshop] Event co-organiser and co-chair (with academics and social movements), 'Gathering voices from the Global South', Popular University of Social Movements, Tunis, 24 to 25 March by 2013.
Organization of [Summer School] Venice Academy of Human Rights - Human Rights and the Cosmopolitan Idea(l), EIUC, Venice, 09 to 16 July by 2011.
Presentations in scientific events
Dias, Vanda Amaro; Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "The Articulation of Mythologies Through the Social Contract in Empires, Nation-States and Europe: Challenges to Democratisation in Modern Liberal Polities", paper presented at International Conference: Renewing the Social Contract: The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory, American University of Paris, 18 December.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Emotion narratives on the political culture of radical right populist parties in Portugal and Italy", paper presented at International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (OIDP), 23rd International Conference, Valongo (Portugal), 17 December.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "States, Empires, Post-colonialism and the Social Contract", paper presented at International Conference: Renewing the Social Contract: The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory, American University of Paris, 17 December.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Contesting the Political: Myths and Demands in Populist Narrative", paper presented at Italian Sociological Association (AIS) International Conference on Political Sociology, U Bologna, 12 October.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Emotion Narratives in Populist Leaders and Voters", paper presented at International Political Science Association (IPSA), International Conference on 'Democratization and Autocratization', New University of Lisbon, Gulbenkian Foundation, 13 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Emotion narratives on the political culture of radical right populist parties in Portugal and Italy", paper presented at International Seminar of Instituto da Democracia, Edifício Bolsa do Rio de Janeiro (Online), 02 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Demands, Myths and Emotions in Populism: Contemporary European Politics", paper presented at European Sociological Association (ESA) 16th Conference, U Porto, 28 August.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Manifestações de racismo: como as políticas de extrema direita mobilizam a noção de raça e o ódio racial [Manifestations of racism: how far-right politics mobilize the notion of race and racial hatred]", paper presented at Colloquium, The rise of the extreme right in the world: discourses and practices of violence, CES, U Coimbra, 10 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Emotion Narratives and Populist Attitudes", paper presented at International Conference on 'Emotional Dynamics of (In)security and Politics', U Saarland, 11 June.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Invited Speaker - Populismo: teorias e praticas [Populism: theories and practices]", paper presented at Ascensão da extrema direita [Rise of the far right], FEUC, U Coimbra, 08 May.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Invited Speaker - Theorising citizenship and sovereignty: new and old epistemological and methodological questions", paper presented at DemoJUST Books | Meet the Author, CES, U Coimbra, 12 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "Invited Speaker - parallel working sessions on 'Reimagine Deliberative Democracy' and 'Reimagine Climate Narratives'", paper presented at Uniting Futures, Re-Imagine Europa's 2024 Annual Forum 'Depolarising Europe. Redefining Narratives', Lisbon, 01 February.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Rapporteur for the panel 'Postcolonialism and decolonial approaches'", paper presented at International workshop on populism, social contract, Global North and South and multimodal media in hegemonic struggle, U Lappland, Rovaniemi and Pyhätunturi, 13 to 16 December.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Populist ambiguity in the entanglement of reason and emotion", paper presented at Forth Helsinki, Emotions, Populism and Polarised Politics, Media, and Culture (HEPP4) Conference, U Helsinki, 12 December.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "'Religion, Gender, and Populism in the Mediterranean', Ed. By Alberta Giorgi, Júlia Garraio and Teresa Toldy, with Maria Elena Indelicato and Manuel Anselmi", paper presented at Book presentation, Online, U Coimbra, 07 December.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Invited Speaker - Populism and the Politics of Emotion", paper presented at Seminar, U Brighton, 24 November.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Invited Speaker - Populism, Liberalism and Democratic Politics", paper presented at Seminar, U Brighton, 21 November.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Invited Speaker - The frontiers of populist identities formation in cognitive-affective narrative", paper presented at Seminar, Northeaster University London, 14 November.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Visualising populist mythologies and their emotional charge", paper presented at Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia (SPF) [Portuguese Philosophical Society], International Congress, U Evora, 16 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "'Emotions & cognition', 'Emotions & power', 'Researching emotions empirically', 'Epistemic - positive/negative emotions'", paper presented at European Sociological Association (ESA) Research Network 11 (Sociology of Emotions) Mid-term online workshop, Online, 14 to 16 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference", paper presented at Emotion Narratives of Far Right Populist Mythologies, U Prague, 05 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Emancipatory Emotion Narrative in Postcolonial Lenses", paper presented at Global South Critical Psychology Conference, University of Arden (online), 26 May.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Invited Speaker - 'Hate of others, love of self, and other emotions narrated by the populist identity creation processes'", paper presented at International Conference - Hate Speech: How to Counteract?, University of the Azores, 04 May.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Understanding populist polarisation through emotion theories", paper presented at Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) - XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, University of Coimbra, 06 April.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "Understanding populist polarisation through emotion theories", paper presented at IV International Congress of the Center for Research in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CINEICC), University of Coimbra, 31 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), "The Emotion Narrative of Populism beyond Affective Intelligence and Intergroup Emotions", paper presented at 5th Annual U.K. Political Psychology Conference, PSA Political Psychology Specialist Group, Online, 30 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2022), "Commentary to Maria Manuel Guilherme", paper presented at A Framework for Critical Transnational Research | Advancing Plurilingual, Intercultural, and Inter-epistemic Collaboration in the Academy, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, 27 October.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2022), "Reason and emotions narrated in political mythology", paper presented at 12th Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho, 27 June.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2022), "The narrative and emotional structure of populist mythology", paper presented at Third Helsinki, Emotions, Populism and Polarised Politics, Media, and Culture (HEPP3) Conference, University of Helsinki, 15 June.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2022), "Open conversation with José Manuel Pureza and Amit Singh", paper presented at India against its own citizens, Liquidanbar, 22 October.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2021), "Myths and emotion in populist narrative", paper presented at Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) Conference, Online, 11 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Antoni, Aguilò; Jesus, Sabariego (2021), "Emotions for participation in southern European populist movement-parties: form grassroot activism to ICT membership", paper presented at Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organization: Ten Years after the Movements of the Squares, Freie University Berlin (online), 08 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Lisete, Mónico (2021), "Emotion narratives of presidential candidates and populist voting behaviour", paper presented at European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, University of Innsbruck (online), 01 September.
Sara, Araújo; Sofia José, Santos; Gianolla, Cristiano (2021), "Hate and Love as Social Media Political Mobilising Forces", paper presented at European Sociological Association (ESA), Conference, Barcelona (online), 01 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2021), "Reasons for anxiety during the populist pandemic", paper presented at Deconfined Talks II - Webinar Series, CES, Coimbra (Online), 27 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2021), "Activism for Citizenship through Postcolonial Heritage Discourses", paper presented at International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress of Political Science, New University of Lisbon (online), 14 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2021), "Heritage as a metaphorical border between cultures in Lisbon", paper presented at International Forum on Global South Studies, University of Tübingen (online), 09 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Giuseppina, Raggi; Lorena, Santo-Querol (2021), "A counter-narrative of Portuguese empire: heritage processes in the live stories of Lisbon", paper presented at Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology, ISCTE-IUL and ICS-ULisboa (online), 31 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Antoni, Aguilò; Jesus, Sabariego (2021), "Analysing the role of emotions in the shift from participation to representation in populist movement-parties' narratives", paper presented at Portuguese Sociological Association (APS) XI Portuguese Congress of Sociology, ISCTE-IUL and ICS-ULisboa (online), 30 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2021), "Commentary to Alcione Carolina Gabriel da Silva", paper presented at A democracia à luz dos afetos: política, economia e o sentido de comunidade [Democracy in the light of affect: politics, economics and the sense of community], Coimbra, 29 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2021), "Commentary to Maria Manuela Guilherme", paper presented at Terminologias e conceitos: Estudos comparativos em contextos de plurilinguismo e interculturalidades [Terminologies and concepts: Comparative studies in contexts of plurilingualism and interculturalities], Lusofona University, Lisbon (online), 22 February.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Aguiló, Antoni; Sabariego, Jesus (2020), "Emotions in southern european populist movement-parties institutionalisation: analysing the shift from participation to representation", paper presented at Populismos e suas linguagens [Populisms and its languages], Braga-Zoom, 06 November.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2020), "commentary to Carla Luis", paper presented at Elections and Democracy, Zoom - CES, 06 October.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Nonbo Andersen, Astrid (2019), "Intercultural dynamics in post-colonial European ecotones, Lisbon and Copenhagen", paper presented at Post/Colonial Port Cities: Place and Nonplace in the Ecotone, Concordia University, Montreal, 24 to 26 October.
Amelung (paper presenter), Nina; Sousa Ribeiro (paper presenter), Joana; Gianolla, Cristiano (2019), "Technologies, infrastructures and migration: Material citizenship politics", paper presented at The Universe(S) of Refugees: Rethinking Forced Migration, Portugues National Library, 14 to 16 October.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2019), "Commentary to Sofia José Santos", paper presented at Alteridade, securitização e agency em rede: micronarrativas digitais na macro narrativa da guerra ao terrorismo, University of Coimbra, 01 to 01 October.
Sotero, Luciana; Dias, Maria; Gianolla, Cristiano; Portugal (paper presenter), Alda ; Beja, Maria João; Relvas, Ana Paula (2019), "The impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on migrants' Personal Social Networks (SN). An empirical study with Venezuelan migrants in Portugal", paper presented at 10th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA), Napoli, 11 to 14 September.
Amelung (paper presenter), Nina; Gianolla, Cristiano; Solovova, Olga; Ribeiro, Joana Sousa (2019), "Technologies, infrastructures and migration: Material citizenship politics", paper presented at IV Conference of the thematic section on Science and Technology of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS), University of Porto, 10 to 11 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2019), "Social movements and academia for the de/postcolonial heritage discourse", paper presented at 7th biennial network conference: "Afroeuropeans: black in/visibilities contested", ISCTE, 04 to 06 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2019), "Decolonial Heritage Practices in Entangled Cites", paper presented at 'Decolonial Heritage Practices in Entangled Cites', Third Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association (MSA), Complutense University, Madrid 26 June 2019;, Complutense University Madrid, 25 to 28 June.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Quattromani (paper presenter), Dario; Stortone, Stefano (2019), "Participatory Innovations and Post-ideological Populism. A Tension between Ideals and Reality", paper presented at Conferencia anual da Associação de Estudos Políticos (PSA), Universidade de Nottingham, 15 to 17 April.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2019), "Heritage as Border: bringing entangled enslavement into heritage discourse in Lisbon", paper presented at Cities, Heritages, and Colonial Pasts: Perspectives and Practices, European University Institute, Florence, 14 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2019), "Dilemas da Democracia Norte Sul", paper presented at Democracia e Crise Política no Brasil e no Mundo - 2014-2018, Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa - CIUL, 25 to 25 January.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2019), "A Memorial to the History of the Future", paper presented at Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes. Architecture, Cities, Infrastructures, Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 16 to 18 January.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2018), "Patrimonio e esclusione", paper presented at La vulnerabilità e i dispositivi dell'esclusione, Federico II University of Naples, 28 to 29 November.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2018), "Heritage as a Postcolonial Human Rights Border", paper presented at International Conference on Cities, territories and the struggles for human rights: a 2030 perspective, University of Padua, 26 to 27 November.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2018), "Heritage as border towards postcolonial intercultural translations", paper presented at Imagining the future. Knowledges, experiences, alternatives, University of Coimbra, 07 to 10 November.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Quattromani (paper presenter), Dario; Stortone, Stefano (2018), "E-Populism: A Tension between Ideals and Reality", paper presented at with Dario Quattromani (paper presenter) and Stefano Stortone, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, University of Hamburg, 22 to 25 August.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2018), "How can participation, innovation and centralism be combined? A critical assessment of the 5 Star Movement's internal democracy rhetoric through a focus of its use of ICT instruments", paper presented at Latin American Studies Association (LASA) XXXVI International Congress (unregistered presentation panel 923), Barcelona, 23 to 26 May.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Sousa Ribeiro, Joana (2018), "Democratisation in the 21st Century Portugal in Dialogue with Migrating Imaginations", paper presented at Migrations: Bridges and Gaps, CES Coimbra, 15 to 15 March.
Gianolla, Cristiano; Jepson, Ryan (2017), "Sketching the Gradient: Unmaking the Ambiguity between Free and Imperative Mandates", paper presented at Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century, Lisbon, 12 to 15 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), ""Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century", International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 10", paper presented at "Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century", International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 10, Lisbon, 12 to 15 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), "'In Memory of Giulio Regeni'", paper presented at "Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century", International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 10, Lisbon, 12 to 15 July.
Tesfaye, Zelalem; Sousa Ribeiro, Joana; Giuliani, Gaia; Solovova, Olga; Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), "Lines of Resistance: Migrating through Imaginary Democracies", paper presented at "Migrations: Narrative, Spaces, and...", CES Coimbra, 06 to 06 April.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), "Truth, Non-Violence and Purusharthas in Gandhi's Democratic view. A current debate through the «epistemologies of the south»", paper presented at II Braga Colloquium in the History of Moral and Political Philosophy, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 12 to 13 January.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2016), "Comparing movement-parties in India and Italy - contributions and challenges to democratisation", paper presented at Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) XXX Conference, Milano, Itália, 15 to 17 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2016), "Gandhi through the 'Epistemologies of the South' as a response to the political crisis", paper presented at Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) XXX Conference, Milan, Italy, 15 to 17 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2016), "'Democratisation and Democratic Challenges: Comparative Analysis of Emerging Parties in Italy and India' ", paper presented at European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 07 to 10 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2016), "Gandhian Democratisation as an Epistemological Alternative", paper presented at International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress of Political Science, Poznan, Poland , 23 to 28 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2016), "The Democratisation Potential of Participation - Comparing Emerging Political Movements in Italy and India", paper presented at International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria, 10 to 14 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2016), "Populism and the Democratisation of Democracy", paper presented at International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria, 10 to 14 July.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2015), "Not a traditional party nor a traditional populist movement: The Five Stars Movement attempt to reconceptualise political participation", paper presented at XXIX SISP Conference, University of Calabria - Cosenza, Italy, 10 to 12 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2015), "Political-colonialism: liberal over substantive democracy", paper presented at XII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro (CONLAB), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 01 to 05 February.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2014), "Swaraj in Gandhi and AAP: Anti-Political-Colonialism though Decentralisation", paper presented at European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Glasgow University, 03 to 06 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2014), "Gandhi and AAP: Leadership and Swaraj against Political-Colonialism", paper presented at ALICE International colloquium: Epistemologies of the South: South - South, South - North and North - South global learning, Universidade de Coimbra, 10 July 12 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2014), "Introduction to the Popular University of Social Movements (UPMS) and ALICE Project", paper presented at 9eme édition du Printemps des Universités Populaires, La Bourse du Travail de Paris, 27 to 29 June.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2014), "Commentary to Dino Costantini", paper presented at Beyond democratic reductionism. A discussion of "La democrazia dei moderni: Storia di una crisi" by Dino Costantini, University of Coimbra, 23 to 23 May.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2014), "Gandhian Democratisation - An Account Against Political Colonisation", paper presented at Advanced REsearch seminar ALICE, CES Coimbra, 12 to 15 May.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2013), "Beppe Grillo, is there a Crisis of Left Parties?", paper presented at Is there life beyond the EURO?, Pousada da Joventude de Alamada, Portugal, 29 to 29 June.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2013), "Commentary to Jackson Keith Fernandes ", paper presented at Citizenship and the international management of populations, CES Coimbra, 22 to 22 May.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2012), "ICT and the Common Inheritance of Humanity", paper presented at XXVI SISP Conference, Roma Tre University, Rome - Italy, 13 to 15 September.
Gianolla, Cristiano (2012), "Participatory Democracy in Representative Arenas", paper presented at Cities Are Us - Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra - Portugal, 28 to 30 June.