Advanced training

Advanced Training Courses

Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), participation in Second PhD Supervision Excellence for Academic Staff, Online, Erasmus + Strategic Partnership.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), participation in STOP Procrastinating: Sooth, Transform, Organize, Produce!, Coimbra, U Coimbra.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), participation in Workshop 'Género e Liderança para a Excelência na Investigação' [Gender and Leadership for Research Experience], Coimbra, U Coimbra.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2023), participation in Strategic Initiative for Pedagogical Innovation , Coimbra, U Coimbra, STHEM, SEMESP, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Arizona State University.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2022), participation in Teaching Excellence for Academic Staff, Online, Erasmus + Strategic Partnership.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2020), participation in Estado, Política y Democracia en América Latina [State, Politics and Democracy in Latin America], Online, Escuela de Estudios Latinoamericanos y Globales [School of Latinamerican and Global Studies].

Gianolla, Cristiano (2018), participation in ECPR Teaching and Learning Politics Summer School', Bratislava, Teaching and Learning Politics (TLP) standing group of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).

Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), participation in Summer school 'The Populist Upsurge and the Decline of Diversity Capital', Venice, Reset-DoC Association and Ca' Foscari University, Venice.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2017), participation in Summer school 'Migrants and Refugees at the Crossroads of the EU Crisis: Managing (Ir)reconcilable Practices?', Braga, Portugal, University of Minho.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2015), participation in Summer School 'Socio-political crisis and new governance challenges', Rome, Italy, Link-Campus University, International Sociological Association (ISA-RC26) and Italian Sociological Association (AIS-Sezione di Sociologia Politica).

Gianolla, Cristiano (2014), participation in UPMS Workshop - Land and Displacement in India, Mumbai, India, Various.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2013), participation in UPMS Workshop - Gathering voices from the Global South, Tunes, Tunisia, Various.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2013), coordination of UPMS Workshop - Letters to Europeans, Madrid, Spain, Various.

Gianolla, Cristiano (2011), coordination of Venice Academy of Human Rights, Venice, EIUC - European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation.

Ph. D. Project Supervisions

31-08-2023 - Ph. D. project supervision of "Anti-corruption, social movements and neoliberalism: regional patterns of the liberal democracy's regression in Brazil, from populism to neofascism", by the author Marcos Rogerio Gomes (interrupted).

Ongoing - Ph. D. project supervision of "As emoções no (anti)populismo: um comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal a partir da (des)construção do conceito de democracia [Emotions in (anti)populism: a comparison between Brazil and Portugal based on the (des)construction of the concept of democracy]", by the author Maria Tereza Torres (FCT Scholarship awarded).

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Andrés Spognardi) of "Emoções no ativismo digital e a pós-verdade na reconfiguração do engajamento político on-line' [Emotions in digital activism and post-truth in the reconfiguration of online political engagement]", by the author Igor Unica Grego (FCT Scholarship awarded).

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Alexandre Jose Germano de Abreu) of "O regime de bem-estar social entre populismos. Um estudo sobre a dinâmica das desigualdades no Brasil no período pós-estabilização [The social welfare regime among populisms. A study on the dynamics of inequalities in Brazil in the post-stabilization period]", by the author Jaqueline Damasceno Silva (FCT Scholarship awarded).

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Santos Boaventura de Sousa and Giocanni Allegretti) of "Racionalidades de Relações Democráticas Alternativas: procedências das democracias indígenas bolivianas [Rationalities of Alternative Democratic Relations: origins of Bolivian indigenous democracies]", by the author Mara Bicas.

Ongoing - Ph. D. project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero) of "Suicídio e anomia: relação entre colonialismo e democracia. Estudo comparado entre Brasil e Portugal [Suicide and anomie: relationship between colonialism and democracy. Comparative study between Brazil and Portugal]", by the author Maria Izabel Braga Weber.

Post-Doctoral Projects Supervisions

28-02-2025 - project supervision of "Right-Wing Populist Discourse", by the author Jacqueline Wilson.

Ongoing - project supervision of "Hindu Religious Populism Against Religious Minorities: Cases of Christian and Muslim minorities in India", by the author Amit Singh.

Master Theses Supervisions

25-07-2024 - master project co-supervision (with Lisete Mónico and Luciana Sotero) of "Discriminadas e violentas? As representações sociais das minorias na ascensão dos partidos populistas de direita Radical em Portugal e Itália [Discriminated and violent? Social representations of minorities in the rise of populist Radical Right parties in Portugal and Italy]", by the author Sofia Gramaxo.

29-02-2024 - master project co-supervision (with Lisete Mónico) of "Representações sociais da elite sob a lente populista: estudo comparativo entre Portugal e Itália [Social representations of the elite under the populist lens: a comparative study between Portugal and Italy]", by the author Carolina Gomes.

7-7-2023 - master project co-supervision (with Lisete Mónico) of "The work of journalists and commentators in the transmission of emotion narratives of political parties", by the author Nicolas Eyck van Dyck Araújo de Oliveira.

22-07-2022 - master project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero, Lisete Mónico and Cristiano Gianolla) of "Narrativas populistas de direita: Emoções, valores e o papel da família [Right-wing populist narratives: Emotions, values and the role of the family]", by the author Bruna Filipa Bento Branco.

22-07-2022 - master project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero, Lisete Mónico and Cristiano Gianolla) of "Populismo, emoções, valores e o papel da família na ideologia política: Estudo das narrativas de pessoas com representação política de esquerda [Populism, emotions, values and the role of the family in political ideology: Study of the narratives of people with left-wing political representation]", by the author Fabiana Sofia Xavier Gonçalves.

24-07-2019 - master project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero and Cristiano Gianolla) of "(Inter)Relações entre migração, redes sociais pessoais e tecnologias de informação e comunicação: Um estudo com migrantes venezuelanos em Portugal [(Inter) Relations between migration, personal social networks and information and communication technologies: A study with Venezuelan migrants in Portugal]", by the author Maria Inês Barreto Correia Dias.

Ongoing - master project co-supervision (with Rosa Moneiro) of "Entre o conservadorismo e a representatividade: o paradoxo feminino na extrema-direita portuguesa [ [Between conservatism and representativeness: the female paradox on the Portuguese far right]", by the author Mariana Matias dos Santos.

Ongoing - master project co-supervision (with Lisete Mónico) of "Ideologias e atitudes face à emigração e imigração em Portugal [Ideologies and attitudes towards emigration and immigration in Portugal]", by the author Inês Carvalho.

Ongoing - master project co-supervision (with Lisete Mónico) of "Representações sociais e emoções em relação a minorias étnicas, sob a lente do populismo, em Portugal e Itália [Social representations and emotions towards ethnic minorities, through the lens of populism, in Portugal and Italy]", by the author Beatriz Carreira.

Ongoing - master project co-supervision (with Lisete Mónico and Luciana Sotero) of "Social Representations and the people", by the author Filipa Ribeiro.

Ongoing - master project co-supervision (with Luciana Sotero) of "Ukrainian refugees' emotional needs, protective public policies, and multi-layered citizenship", by the author Barbara Kowalska.

Visiting Post-Doctoral Research Interns Projects Supervisions

31-12-2023 - project supervision of "O enigma da hegemonia e a crise da política contemrânea: a tensa relação entre neoliberalismo e democracia [The enigma of hegemony and the crisis of contemporary politics: the tense relationship between neoliberalism and democracy]", by the author Camila Massaro Cruz de Góes.

30-06-2022 - project co-supervision (with Maria Elena Indelicato) of "Post-Doc Visit co-tutoring", by the author Erin Torkelson.

30-06-2022 - project co-supervision (with Maria Elena Indelicato) of "Post-Doc Visit co-tutoring", by the author Leopold Podlashuc.

Visiting Doctoral Students Projects Supervisions

02-02-2024 - project supervision of "PhD Erasmus+ Traineeship tutoring at the UNPOP Project", by the author Nurdan Selay Bedir.

31-07-2023 - project supervision of "Hacia una nueva universalidad? La teria de los derechos humanos interculturaled de Boaventura de Sousa Santos en los debates contemporáneos sobre la universalidad [Towards a new universality? Boaventura de Sousa Santos' intercultural human rights theory in contemporary debates on universality]", by the author Mario García Roche.

30-04-2020 - project supervision of "Captura Política y Gobernanza Transacional: regulación de la financiación privada de la democracia bajo el paradigma de la integración sudamericana [Political Capture and Transactional Governance: regulation of private financing of democracy under the paradigm of South American integration]", by the author Marcelo Eugênio Feitosa Almeida.

Other Projects Supervisions

16-07-2024 - project co-supervision (with Vanda Amaro Dias) of "Early Career Researcher supervision at the CO3 Project", by the author Michael Guanyao Wang.

21-03-2024 - project supervision of "Early Career Researcher supervision at the UNPOP Project", by the author Maria Izabel Braga Weber.

31-10-2022 - project supervision of "MA Traineeship tutoring at the UNPOP Poject", by the author Célia Cristina Lima Pelado.

30-09-2022 - project supervision of "MA Traineeship tutoring at the Alice News platform", by the author Catarina Magalhães.

31-05-2022 - project supervision of "MA Erasmus+ Traineeship tutoring at the UNPOP Project", by the author Luca Mangiacotti.

28-02-2022 - project supervision of "Early Career Researcher supervision at the UNPOP Project", by the author Maira Magalhães Lopes.

30-07-2011 - project supervision of "MA Traineeship tutoring at the Communication office; EIUC, European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (Venice)", by the author Silvia Acampora.

Ongoing - project co-supervision (with Vanda Amaro Dias) of "Early Career Researcher supervision at the CO3 Project", by the author André Caiado.

Ongoing - project supervision of "Early Career Researcher supervision at the PROTEMO Project", by the author Miriam Jawadi.

Ongoing - project supervision of "Early Career Researcher supervision at the PROTEMO Project", by the author Pavlo Kravchuk.

Ongoing - project supervision of "Early Career Researcher supervision at the UNPOP Project", by the author Manuel João Cruz.